Research on a three-dimensional evaluation model for assessing the competency of general practitioners in the revolutionary old areas of western Anhui
目的 从用人单位、全科医师及患者多角度出发,全方位构建立体式评价皖西革命老区全科医师岗位胜任力评价模型,为皖西地区全科医师的能力提升、成绩考核和评价提供参考依据。 方法 2023年2—5月运用文献研究法和问卷调查法构建岗位胜任力条目池及模型初稿。采用目的抽样法,分别从深入全科临床实践、熟悉全科理论教育和从事医院管理3类人群中选取咨询专家13人。2023年5—8月使用专家咨询法发送2轮咨询表,根据专家评分及意见修改皖西地区全科医师岗位胜任力模型。运用层次分析法计算岗位胜任力模型各指标权重。 结果 两轮专家咨询问卷的有效回收率分别为100.00%和84.62%,第一轮专家熟悉、判断、权威系数分别为0.88、0.93、0.91,构建皖西革命老区全科医师岗位胜任力立体式评价模型,包括一级指标5个、二级指标12个、三级指标41个。一级指标根据组合权重由高到低的顺序为“基本医疗服务能力”(0.341 0)、“公共卫生服务能力”(0.254 7)、“人文执业能力”(0.164 1)、“沟通协作能力”(0.141 3)、“继续教育和学习能力”(0.099 1)。二级指标中组合权重最高的是“医防融合能力”(0.194 0)。“提供及时、有效、安全的双向转诊”(0.029 2)是权重最高的三级指标。 结论 本研究从3个维度立体式构建了皖西革命老区全科医生岗位胜任力模型,该评价体系科学合理,针对性强,可为皖西地区今后的全科医师培养提供参考方向。 Abstract:Objective To provide a reference for improving the abilities, performance assessment, and evaluation of general practitioners in the western Anhui, this study constructs a three-dimensional competency evaluation model from the perspectives of employers, general practitioners, and patients. Methods A job competency item pool and a preliminary model draft were created using literature research and surveys from February to May 2023. A total of 13 consulting experts were picked from three categories: those with experienced clinical practice, those familiar with general theory education, and those engaged in hospital management. From May to August 2023, two rounds of surveys were conducted using the Delphi method, and the competency model for general practitioners in the western Anhui region was modified based on expert feedback. The weights of each indicator in the job competency model were calculated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Results The response rates for the two rounds of expert questionnaires were 100.00% and 84.62%, respectively. The professional familiarity, judgment, and authority coefficients in the first round were 0.88, 0.93, and 0.91, respectively. The final three-dimensional evaluation model for the competency of general practitioners in the revolutionary old area of western Anhui was established, including 5 first-level indicators, 12 second-level indicators, and 41 third-level indicators. The first-level indicators, ranked by combined weight from highest to lowest, are "basic medical service capability" (0.341 0), "public service capability" (0.254 7), "humanistic practice ability" (0.164 1), "communication and collaboration ability" (0.141 3), and "continuing education and learning ability" (0.099 1). Among the second-level indicator, "medical prevention integration ability" (0.194 0) has the highest combined weight. "providing timely, effective, and safe two-way referrals" (0.029 2) is the third-level indicator with the highest weight. Conclusion The study established a three-dimensional competency evaluation model for general practitioners in the revolutionary old areas of western Anhui. The model is targeted and provide a solid foundation for the future training of general practitioners in the western Anhui region. -
Key words:
- Western Anhui region /
- General practitioners /
- Delphi /
- Three-dimensional evaluation /
- Post competency
表 1 专家基本信息调查表
Table 1. Expert basic information questionnaire
项目 分类 人(%) 性别 男性 11(84.62) 女性 2(15.38) 年龄 35~45岁 2(15.38) 46~55岁 5(38.46) 55岁以上 6(46.15) 学历 本科 6(46.15) 硕士 3(23.08) 博士 4(30.77) 职称 中级职称 1(7.69) 副高级职称 2(15.38) 高级职称 10(76.92) 工作年限 10~20年 2(15.38) 21~30年 5(38.46) 30年以上 6(46.15) 表 2 皖西革命老区全科医师岗位胜任力立体式评价模型及权重
Table 2. A three-dimensional evaluation model and weights for the competency of general practitioners in the revolutionary areas of western Anhui
一级指标 权重 二级指标 权重 组合权重 三级指标 权重 组合权重 A基本医疗服务能力 0.341 0 A1医疗理论知识 0.347 3 0.118 4 A1-1临床医学基本知识 0.176 7 0.020 9 A1-2全科医学基本知识 0.137 2 0.016 2 A1-3基本药理知识和临床合理用药知识 0.143 1 0.016 9 A1-4传染病防治知识 0.101 4 0.012 0 A1-5中医相关基础知识 0.067 6 0.008 0 A2临床诊疗技能 0.412 9 0.140 8 A2-1问诊及病史采集技巧 0.102 8 0.014 5 A2-2医疗文书的规范书写 0.083 6 0.011 8 A2-3系统和规范的体格检查 0.088 5 0.012 5 A2-4常规诊疗操作技术的掌握与应用 0.083 0 0.011 7 A3分级诊疗能力 0.239 8 0.081 8 A3-1分级诊疗信息平台的利用 0.287 6 0.023 5 A3-2掌握明确的转诊指征和转诊流程 0.355 1 0.029 0 A3-3提供及时有效安全的双向转诊 0.357 3 0.029 2 B公共卫生服务能力 0.254 7 B1医防融合能力 0.761 9 0.194 0 B1-1慢性非传染性疾病的预防与控制 0.123 1 0.023 9 B1-2常见传染病(如蜱虫病、结核病等)的预防与控制 0.113 6 0.022 0 B1-3常见中毒事件预防(如CO中毒、自酿酒中毒、腌制食品中毒等) 0.108 5 0.021 0 B1-4空巢老人、留守儿童、残障人群等的健康管理 0.124 2 0.024 1 B1-5中医药健康管理服务 0.049 1 0.009 5 B1-6协助处理突发公共卫生事件的能力 0.092 2 0.017 9 B2信息应用及管理能力 0.238 1 0.060 6 B2-1健康档案的建立、使用和管理 0.254 2 0.015 4 B2-2保存完整的医疗记录 0.163 7 0.009 9 B2-3医学信息检索、收集与分析 0.157 9 0.009 6 C人文执业能力 0.164 1 C1执业素养和个人特质 0.655 2 0.107 5 C1-1遵纪守法,遵守医疗法律法规 0.089 2 0.009 6 C1-2态度友善,尊重同事和其他人员 0.072 6 0.007 8 C1-3具备基层服务意识 0.059 4 0.006 4 C1-4尊重客观事实,如实记录医疗信息 0.076 8 0.008 3 C1-5熟练掌握各类山区交通工具以便上门服务 0.033 9 0.003 6 C1-6了解当地文化背景,熟悉当地方言 0.041 4 0.004 4 C2医学人文关怀 0.344 8 0.056 6 C2-1以患者为中心,综合性、连续性、协调性、一体化的照顾 0.247 6 0.014 0 C2-2注重医疗干预过程中的伦理原则 0.237 7 0.013 4 C2-3给临终患者提供关怀与照顾 0.186 6 0.010 6 C2-4合理控制患者医疗费用 0.156 2 0.008 8 D沟通协作能力 0.141 3 D1医患沟通能力 0.722 2 0.102 0 D1-1理解、信任并尊重患者及其家属 0.143 7 0.014 7 D1-2保护患者隐私和知情权 0.158 4 0.016 2 D1-4与患者建立和发展良好的医患关系 0.126 4 0.012 9 D2多学科团队协作诊疗与管理能力 0.277 8 0.039 2 D2-1与本团队成员建立良好的合作关系 0.309 7 0.012 2 D2-2与上级医院建立良好的合作关系 0.193 2 0.007 6 D2-3团队管理和决策能力 0.150 7 0.005 9 E继续教育和学习能力 0.099 1 E1学习拓展能力 0.736 8 0.073 0 E1-1临床前沿知识学习,掌握新技术 0.202 7 0.014 8 E1-2医疗法律法规知识学习 0.326 5 0.023 8 E2教学及科研能力 0.263 2 0.026 1 E2-1科研能力 0.473 7 0.012 3 E2-2带教能力 0.526 3 0.013 7 -
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