Volume 20 Issue 2
Feb.  2022
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ZHANG Kui-ming, CUI Ying-lin, GE Luan-die, HOU Lu-yang, MA Rui-hong. Mechanism of Kangyi capsule in the treatment of ischaemic stroke based on 'pathology-prescription syndrome'[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(2): 307-310. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002339
Citation: ZHANG Kui-ming, CUI Ying-lin, GE Luan-die, HOU Lu-yang, MA Rui-hong. Mechanism of Kangyi capsule in the treatment of ischaemic stroke based on "pathology-prescription syndrome"[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(2): 307-310. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002339

Mechanism of Kangyi capsule in the treatment of ischaemic stroke based on "pathology-prescription syndrome"

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002339





  • Received Date: 2021-03-08
    Available Online: 2022-03-04
  • Ischaemic stroke, also known as cerebral infarction, is a heterogeneous neurological disease induced by sudden onset and multi-environmental risk factors and is accompanied by symptoms of neurological impairment. In recent years, the renewal of antiembolic drugs and the improvement in interventional therapy have greatly enhanced the therapeutic effect of ischaemic stroke and improved the quality of life of patients. However, the limitation of the thrombolytic window period and the specificity of interventional therapy seriously restrict its benefits. Moreover, the 5-year recurrence rate and mortality rate of the disease remain high. With the characteristics of multi-component, multi-link, multi-target, and overall treatment, traditional Chinese medicine is simple and low cost. It is effective in the clinical treatment of ischaemic stroke. Therefore, from the perspective of pathology to explore the molecular biological mechanism of ischaemic stroke, theoretical studies on the commonness of cerebral ischaemic disease, combined with modern research on prescription and syndrome pharmacology, are effective ways to explore the disease. Kangyi capsule is a hospital preparation formulated by experts in the Henan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the basis of predecessors and according to the aetiology and pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke. It has the effect of replenishing qi and activating blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and dredging collaterals. It has unique advantages in the treatment of ischaemic stroke with complex pathology. Modern pharmacological studies have proven that Kangyi capsule can improve the nerve injury of ischaemic and hypoxic cerebrovascular diseases. Drugs in the prescription can improve the energy metabolism of ischaemic nerve cells, eliminate oxygen free radicals, inhibit inflammatory cascade reaction, relieve intracellular calcium overload, block the process of apoptosis, protect the damaged blood-brain barrier, reduce blood lipids, inhibit platelet aggregation, promote thrombolysis, and play an anti-embolism role. The author summarises the modern pathophysiological mechanism of ischaemic stroke, the theoretical understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, and the prescription and syndrome study of Kangyi capsule to provide a basis for the theoretical research and clinical application of Kangyi capsule.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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