Volume 20 Issue 7
Jul.  2022
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ZHU Rong-rong, CHEN Rong-zhu, PENG Cheng, WANG Gui-hong, WANG Wen-ji, JIANG Qin-qin. Design of surgical drapes for bladder lithotomy position and its application value[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(7): 1240-1243. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002567
Citation: ZHU Rong-rong, CHEN Rong-zhu, PENG Cheng, WANG Gui-hong, WANG Wen-ji, JIANG Qin-qin. Design of surgical drapes for bladder lithotomy position and its application value[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(7): 1240-1243. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002567

Design of surgical drapes for bladder lithotomy position and its application value

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002567


  • Received Date: 2021-09-02
    Available Online: 2022-09-23
  •   Objective  The surgical drapes for bladder lithotomy position are designed to meet the needs of precise operation support, save cost and reduce draping time.  Methods  A surgical drape for bladder lithotomy position was designed, created and compared with traditional surgical drapes. A total of 100 cases of patients requiring bladder lithotomy in the Department of Gynaecology, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC from May 2020 to December 2020 were selected as the research objects. Fifty cases were randomly chosen as the control group and another 50 cases as the observation group. The two groups of surgical kits were compared in terms of time spent on the draping, cost of consumables used, number of shifts of the dressing during operation and time of added draping and number of tool drops in the two groups.  Results  The total laying time of the observation group was 5 339 s (no added draping required), shorter than that of the control group, which was 8 683 s (total of 9 106 s with additional 423 s for the added draping due to intraoperative overlays). The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The number of intraoperative overlays in the observation group was 0, significantly less than that in the control group, which was 11, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The number of tool drops in the observation group was only 2, less than 5 in the control group, with no statistical difference (P>0.05).  Conclusion  The proposed surgical drape design for bladder lithotomy position exhibits an integrated configuration with separate areas for clean and dirty tools during surgical operation. It is flat and beautiful in appearance, easy to operate, hassle free and cost saving. The special bagging design makes it possible to separate clean and dirty areas, thus reducing the chances of tool dropping and avoiding infection on surgery. In addition, the unique "time out" design enhances strict inspections from all three parties involved, which contributes to ensuring patient safety. Therefore, the proposed design is worthy of promotion and application.


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