Volume 22 Issue 8
Aug.  2024
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XIANG Li ' e, SHANG Lili, WANG Jiejie. Clinical observation of Zixian Pills combined with azithromycin in the treatment of children with henoch-schonlein purpura complicated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(8): 1364-1366. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003637
Citation: XIANG Li ' e, SHANG Lili, WANG Jiejie. Clinical observation of Zixian Pills combined with azithromycin in the treatment of children with henoch-schonlein purpura complicated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(8): 1364-1366. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003637

Clinical observation of Zixian Pills combined with azithromycin in the treatment of children with henoch-schonlein purpura complicated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003637


  • Received Date: 2024-04-02
    Available Online: 2024-11-19
  •   Objective  To investigate the efficacy and safety of Zixian Pills combined with azithromycin in the treatment of Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) complicated by Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.  Methods  One hundred cases of children with HSP complicated by Mycoplasma. pneumoniae infection who were treated in the pediatric ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine from January 2021 to February 2024 were selected. They were divided into observation group (50 cases) and control group (50 cases) according to random number table method. The control group was given azithromycin and basic treatment for HSP, and the observation group was given oral Zixian Pills on the basis treatment of the control group, both of which were treated for 7-14 days. The improvement in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome scores, clinical efficacy and adverse drug reactions were evaluated in the two groups, and the levels of urinary red blood cells, urinary microalbumin and urinary beta 2-microglobulin were measured.  Results  Before treatment, there was no significant difference in TCM syndrome scores between the two groups (P>0.05); After treatment, the scores of TCM syndromes in both groups were lower than those before treatment (P < 0.05); After treatment, the TCM syndrome score in the observation group [1.00 (1.00, 2.00)] was lower than that in the control group [2.00 (1.00, 2.00), P < 0.05]. The overall response rate (ORR) in the observation group was superior to that in the control group [92.0% (46/50) vs. 76.0% (38/50), P < 0.05]. There was no significant difference in urinary erythrocytes, urinary microalbumin and urinary beta 2-microglobulin between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05); there were significant differences in urinary erythrocytes, urinary microalbumin and urinary beta 2-microglobulin between the two groups after treatment (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between the two groups (P>0.05).  Conclusion  The treatment of HSP complicated by Mycoplasma. pneumoniae infection in children with Zixian Pills combined with azithromycin has obvious effects on improving TCM syndrome scores and reducing renal injury, and it has good safety.


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