Big data is the scientific power to promote the innovation and development of education.Big data in general practice education is a branch of big data in education.It is a new concept, mainly referring to the data collection from the entire general practice education process.According to the training requirements, the data collection could be applied to the development of the general practice education and create enormous potential value.Besides such features as the volume, velocity, variety and value, the big data in general practice education also has its unique characteristics, for example, complexity, comprehensiveness, causality, completeness and creativity.Its structure can be divided into five levels such as individuals, courses, institutions, regions and industries.The value of big data in general practice education is reflected in the deep integration and the promotion of general practice education reform.Personalization in teaching idea:the individual learning based on big data will be more and more customized.Diversification in teaching model:data mining and learning analysis technology will make general medicine education break the time and space constraints to be the multi-dimensional and full-time teaching model.Scientization in teaching management:via the big data technology, more scientific, accurate and efficient general education management will be achieved.Quantification in teaching evaluation:the behavioral information of teaching and learning will be recorded accurately and the evaluation results will become authentic.It is reasonable to believe that the big data general practice education could improve the reform of general practice education.