Study on the status of sleep duration and its influence factors among women aged 40-69 years in Zhejiang Province
目的 探讨浙江省40~69岁女性睡眠时间现况及其影响因素。 方法 以多阶段分层整群随机抽样法调查浙江省6 717名40~69岁妇女的睡眠情况,采用EpiData 3.1软件建立研究对象的信息数据库,采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件对数据进行统计分析。睡眠时间的影响因素分析采用多重线性回归模型。 结果 浙江省40~69岁女性睡眠时间为(6.93±1.33)h,中位时间为7 h,随着年龄增加,睡眠时间减少(P<0.001);绝经女性睡眠时间[(6.76±1.42)h]明显低于未绝经女性[(7.12±1.19)h],差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),且随着绝经相关症状分级(Kupperman评分等级)增加,睡眠时间减少(P<0.001);文化程度、户口性质、家庭月收入与睡眠时间相关,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);不同饮茶者的睡眠时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);精神压抑者的睡眠时间明显少于无精神压抑者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。多重线性回归模型结果显示,年龄、绝经状态、户口性质以及精神压抑状态是睡眠时间的独立影响因素(均P<0.05),其中精神压抑状态是最大的影响因素,其次是年龄、绝经状态、户口性质。 结论 (1) 浙江省40~69岁女性睡眠时间普遍较短;(2)年龄、绝经状态、户口性质以及精神压抑状态是睡眠时间的独立影响因素;(3)在独立影响因素中精神状态是可干预因素,建议采取相应措施干预女性的精神压抑状态,进而改善睡眠情况,提高生活质量。 -
- 睡眠时间 /
- 绝经状态 /
- Kupperman评分 /
- 精神压抑
Abstract:Objective To explore the current situation and influence factors of sleep duration of women aged 40-69 years in Zhejiang Province. Methods A multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method was used to investigate the sleep duration of 6 717 women aged 40-69 years in Zhejiang Province. EpiData software was used to set the database of the research objects, and SPSS 20.0 software was used for statistical analysis of the data. Multiple linear regression model was used to analyses the factors of sleep duration. Results The average sleep time of women aged 40 to 69 in Zhejiang Province was (6.93±1.33) h, the median sleep time was 7 h, and the sleep time decreased with the increase of age (P < 0.001). The sleep time of menopausal women [(6.76±1.42) h] was significantly lower than that of premenopausal women [(7.12±1.19) h], the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001), and the sleep time decreased with the increase of the grade of menopausal symptoms (Kupperman score grade, P < 0.001). Education level, household registration, and family monthly income were correlated with sleep time, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The sleep time of different tea drinkers was significantly different (P < 0.05). The average sleep time of depressed patients was significantly less than that of non-depressed patients, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The results of multiple linear regression model showed that age, menopause, household registration and depression were the independent influencing factors of sleep time (all P < 0.05), and depression was the biggest influencing factor, followed by age, menopause and residence registration. Conclusions (1) The average sleep time of 40-69 year old women in Zhejiang Province is generally short; (2) Age, menopausal status, household registration and mental depression are independent factors affecting sleep time; (3) Among the independent influencing factors, mental state is an intervenable factor, and it is suggested to take corresponding measures to intervene in women ' s mental depression, so as to improve sleep and quality of life. -
Key words:
- Sleep duration /
- Menopausal status /
- Kupperman score /
- Mental depression
表 1 不同年龄不同绝经状态女性睡眠时间比较(x±s, h)
Table 1. Comparison of sleep time of differentage and menopausal women (x±s, h)
年龄组 绝经状态 例数 睡眠时间 t值 P值 40~44岁 未绝经 1 166 7.21±1.11 8.847 0.003 绝经 41 6.68±1.15 合计 1 207 7.19±1.11 45~49岁 未绝经 1 367 7.11±1.19 5.916 0.015 绝经 262 6.92±1.30 合计 1 629 7.08±1.21 50~54岁 未绝经 561 7.00±1.31 6.448 0.011 绝经 1 010 6.82±1.38 合计 1 571 6.88±1.36 55~59岁 未绝经 41 6.54±1.32 0.859 0.354 绝经 1 072 6.74±1.35 合计 1 113 6.73±1.34 60~64岁 绝经 771 6.75±1.47 65~69岁 绝经 426 6.62±1.64 总计 6 717 6.93±1.33 表 2 社会经济学影响因素与睡眠时间的相关性(x±s, h)
Table 2. Correlation between socioeconomic factors and sleep duration (x±s, h)
项目 类别 例数 睡眠时间 统计量 P值 文化程度 未受教育 740 6.72±1.54 55.446a < 0.001 小学 1 858 6.84±1.48 初中 2 289 7.07±1.22 高中 902 6.95±1.29 大专 439 7.04±1.12 本科 464 6.76±1.12 合计 6 692 6.93±1.30 户口性质 农业户口 4 182 6.95±1.33 3.380b 0.001 城镇户口 2 510 6.89±1.26 合计 6 692 6.93±1.31 医保类型 医保 3 242 6.94±1.25 55.446a 0.204 新农合 2 950 6.92±1.41 商业保险 82 7.08±1.31 自费 261 6.94±1.25 全公费 63 6.64±1.17 贫困补助 8 7.12±1.77 其他 70 6.92±1.34 合计 6 676 6.93±1.32 家庭月收入 < 3 000元 3 361 6.87±1.42 12.681a 0.013 3 000~5 000元 2 242 7.03±1.27 >5 000~10 000元 744 6.87±1.15 >10 000~30 000元 205 6.96±1.46 >30 000元 113 7.00±1.29 合计 6 665 6.93±1.39 注:a为F值,b为t值。各项均存在缺失例数。 表 3 生活方式、精神压力与睡眠时间的相关性(x±s,h)
Table 3. Correlation between lifestyle, mental stress and sleep duration (x±s, h)
项目 类别 例数 睡眠时间 统计量 P值 吸烟 从不吸烟 6 666 6.93±1.33 5.457a 0.065 吸烟 33 7.11±1.61 曾吸已戒烟 11 6.18±0.87 合计 6 710 6.93±1.33 饮酒 从不饮酒 6 172 6.93±1.31 1.296a 0.523 饮酒 477 6.90±1.43 曾饮已戒酒 68 6.84±1.58 合计 6 717 6.93±1.33 饮茶 从不饮茶 5 308 6.92±1.34 6.944a 0.031 饮茶 262 6.80±1.43 曾饮已不饮 1 143 7.01±1.22 合计 6 713 6.93±1.33 体育锻炼 无体育锻炼 2 101 6.89±1.42 1.308b 0.191 有体育锻炼 4 590 6.95±1.28 合计 6 691 6.93±1.33 精神压抑状态 无精神压抑 6 157 6.97±1.31 8.732b < 0.001 有精神压抑 539 6.43±1.47 合计 6 696 6.93±1.33 注:a为F值,b为t值。除“饮酒”外,各项均存在缺失例数。 表 4 影响睡眠时间多重线性回归模型分析
Table 4. Multiple linear regression model analysisof influence on sleep time
项目 B SE β t值 P值 年龄 -0.018 0.004 -0.100 -5.132 < 0.001 绝经状态 -0.184 0.049 -0.069 -3.796 < 0.001 文化程度 -0.018 0.017 -0.018 -1.079 0.281 户口性质 -0.084 0.039 -0.030 -2.138 0.033 医疗费用方式 -0.012 0.018 -0.009 -0.694 0.488 家庭月收入 -0.006 0.021 -0.004 -0.276 0.782 吸烟 -0.139 0.150 -0.011 -0.931 0.352 饮酒 0.011 0.051 0.003 0.221 0.825 饮茶 0.038 0.022 0.021 1.706 0.088 体育锻炼 0.044 0.036 0.016 1.236 0.216 精神压抑 -0.540 0.060 -0.109 -8.935 < 0.001 注:自变量赋值如下,绝经状态,未绝经=0,绝经=1;文化程度,未受教育=0,小学=1,初中=2,高中=3,大专=4,本科=5;户口性质,农业户口=1,城镇户口=2;医疗费用方式,医保=(0,0,0,0,0),新农合=(1,0,0,0,0),商业保险=(0,1,0,0,0),自费=(0,0,1,0,0),全公费=(0,0,0,1,0),贫困补助=(0,0,0,0,1);月均收入 < 3 000元=1,3 000~5 000元=2,>5 000~10 000元=3,>10 000~30 000元=4,>30 000元=5;吸烟,从不吸烟=(0,0),吸烟=(1,0),曾吸已戒烟=(0,1);饮酒,从不饮酒=(0,0),饮酒=(1,0),曾饮已戒酒=(0,1);饮茶,从不饮茶=(0,0),饮茶=(1,0),曾饮已不饮=(0,1);体育锻炼,否=0,是=1;精神压抑,否=0,是=1。 -
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