Application effect of introducing PBL and CBL dual track models into mind mapping in cardiology training teaching
目的 探讨心内科规培教学中思维导图引入基于问题的教学(PBL)与基于案例的教学(CBL)双轨模式的应用效果。 方法 选取2022年1—9月在南阳市第二人民医院心内科参与住院医师规范化培训的学员65例为实验组(接受思维导图引入PBL与CBL双轨模式教学),2021年1—12月参加培训的学员65例为对照组(接受PBL与CBL双轨模式教学,未采用思维导图引入)。闭卷考试并发放教学效果评价问卷;2组学员进行评判性思维能力评价。 结果 实验组学员理论考试的总分数[(79.28±7.06)分]明显高于对照组学员[(67.08±11.08)分,P<0.05]。实验组学员间交流、与教师互动、课堂气氛、学员课堂注意力、学员参与主动性、时间合理性评分均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组知识理解、知识外延、课前预习、查阅材料、学科联系、巩固复习评分均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组独立思考、主动学习、沟通能力、协作能力、解决问题能力评分均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组知识深度、带动学员思考能力、指导方法评分均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组实施思维导图引入PBL与CBL双轨模式教学后学员评判性思维能力总得分[(380.42±41.41)分]明显高于教学前[(319.65±40.22)分, t=29.715, P<0.001]。 结论 思维导图引入PBL与CBL双轨模式能够有效提高心内科规培的教学效果。 Abstract:Objective To explore the application effect of the dual track model of problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) introduced by mind mapping in cardiology training. Methods Sixty-five students from the Cardiology Department of the Second People' s Hospital of Nanyang City who participated in the standardized training for resident physicians from January to September 2022 were selected as the experimental group (receiving PBL and CBL dual track teaching with mind mapping); using 65 cases from January to December 2021 as the control group (receiving PBL and CBL dual track teaching mode, without the introduction of mind mapping). Closed-book examination and distribution of teaching effectiveness evaluation questionnaires; Two groups of students will be evaluated on their critical thinking skills. Results The total score of the students in the experimental group in the theoretical examination (79.28±7.06) was significantly higher than that of the students in the control group (67.08±11.08, P<0.05). The scores of communications among students in the experimental group, interaction with teachers, classroom atmosphere, students' attention in class, students' participation initiative, and time rationality were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). The scores of knowledge comprehension, knowledge extension, pre-class preview, material review, subject connection, and consolidation review in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The scores of independent thinking, active learning, communication ability, cooperation ability, and problem solving ability in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The scores of knowledge depth, thinking ability, and teaching method of the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The total score of students' critical thinking ability (380.42±41.41) was significantly higher in the experimental group after the introduction of PBL and CBL dual track teaching mode using mind mapping than before the teaching (319.65±40.22, t=29.715, P<0.001). Conclusion The introduction of PBL and CBL dual-mode mind mapping can effectively improve the teaching effectiveness of cardiology training, improve learning ability and critical thinking ability is conducive to mutual learning and satisfaction with the curriculum. -
表 1 2组学员理论考试成绩比较(x±s,分)
Table 1. Comparison of theoretical exam scores between two groups of students (x±s, points)
组别 例数 单选题(25分) 多选题(15分) 名词解释(10分) 简答题(30分) 论述题(20分) 总分(100分) 对照组 65 18.42±1.96 6.20±1.55 6.34±1.46 21.25±3.79 14.86±2.30 67.06±5.57 实验组 65 18.17±1.84 6.68±1.72 9.15±1.31 26.91±2.05 18.37±1.14 79.28±3.43 t值 0.738 1.657 11.554 10.588 11.002 15.060 P值 0.462 0.100 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 2 2组教学模式学员对课堂教学效果评价分析(x±s,分)
Table 2. Evaluating classroom teaching effectiveness through analysis of student feedback from two instructional modes (x±s, points)
组别 例数 学员间交流 与教师互动 课堂气氛 学员课堂注意力 学员参与主动性 时间合理性 对照组 65 2.80±0.40 3.08±0.32 3.52±0.50 3.20±0.44 2.95±0.28 3.12±0.41 实验组 65 4.78±0.45 4.60±0.52 4.8±0.47 4.98±0.54 4.60±0.52 4.32±0.50 t值 26.470 19.963 14.885 20.546 22.403 14.832 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 3 2组教学模式对学习促进效果分析(x±s,分)
Table 3. Analysis of the learning promotion effects between two teaching modes (x±s, points)
组别 例数 知识理解 知识外延 课前预习 查阅材料 学科联系 巩固复习 对照组 65 3.60±0.49 3.29±0.49 3.06±0.35 3.20±0.40 3.17±0.38 3.46±0.50 实验组 65 4.75±0.50 4.74±0.48 4.80±0.47 4.98±0.48 4.46±0.50 4.63±0.55 t值 13.226 17.029 23.822 22.846 16.574 12.694 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 4 2组教学模式对学习能力提高的效果分析(x±s,分)
Table 4. Evaluating the effect of two teaching modes on enhancing learning ability (x±s, points)
组别 例数 独立思考 主动学习 创新能力 沟通能力 协作能力 解决问题能力 对照组 65 3.11±0.31 2.89±0.36 3.48±0.50 3.86±0.43 3.25±0.43 3.46±0.50 实验组 65 4.55±0.50 4.71±0.52 3.63±0.49 4.88±0.52 4.77±0.49 4.66±0.54 t值 19.748 23.100 1.772 12.210 18.699 13.138 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 5 2组学员对教师评价分析(x±s,分)
Table 5. Analysis of teacher evaluation between two groups of students (x±s, points)
组别 例数 知识深度 重点突出 带动学员思考能力 指导方法 对照组 65 3.37±0.49 4.23±0.46 3.06±0.39 3.37±0.49 实验组 65 4.52±0.50 4.28±0.52 4.92±0.54 4.83±0.49 t值 13.291 0.539 22.542 17.132 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 6 2组学员对课程满意度分析[例(%)]
Table 6. Analysis of course satisfaction between two groups of students [cases (%)]
组别 例数 非常满意 满意 一般 不满意 对照组 65 12(18.46) 29(44.62) 19(29.23) 5(7.69) 实验组 65 28(43.08) 30(46.15) 6(9.23) 1(1.54) 注:2组满意度比较,Z=3.913,P<0.001。 表 7 实验组实施思维导图引入PBL与CBL双规模式前后学员评判性思维能力比较(x±s,分)
Table 7. Comparing the critical thinking abilities of students in the experimental group before and after the implementation of PBL and CBL dual-track modes using mind mapping (x±s, points)
组别 时间 例数 分析能力 求知欲 开放思想 系统化能力 寻求真相 认知成熟度 评判思维的自信心 总得分 对照组 教学前 65 41.69±4.52 39.25±5.04 42.60±6.82 36.95±5.60 36.54±6.85 40.20±5.41 31.77±5.03 269.00±16.14 教学后 65 50.06±4.22 47.18±5.37 48.52±6.26 40.38±5.25 45.72±7.34 47.95±6.11 39.82±5.63 319.65±12.17 t值 10.464 8.207 4.976 3.724 6.804 8.037 8.653 10.464 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 实验组 教学前 65 41.31±4.48 39.08±5.10 42.85±6.75 36.80±5.82 36.72±6.95 40.08±5.25 31.95±5.11 268.78±12.98 教学后 65 57.28±4.77a 59.45±5.82a 56.40±6.70a 46.72±6.08a 58.11±7.85a 54.35±5.08a 48.09±5.11a 380.40±12.27a t值 18.786 22.641 12.058 8.911 16.374 16.008 18.565 18.786 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 注:与对照组教学后比较,aP<0.01。 -
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