Effects of family social support on treatment compliance of patients with hypertension
摘要: 高血压是世界范围内重要的公共健康问题,也是冠心病、脑卒中、慢性肾脏疾病和周围血管疾病的罪魁祸首。治疗依从性差是血压不达标、预后差的主要因素,也是影响住院率和医疗花费的重要因素之一。如何提高高血压患者治疗依从性,已经是目前高血压规范管理中的瓶颈,也是近年研究的热点。家庭社会支持在心血管疾病、肿瘤、艾滋病、哮喘、情绪及睡眠等多个领域都有研究,尤其在慢性病的管理中彰显出其独有的作用。研究发现,家庭社会支持是影响高血压患者治疗依从性,提高自我护理能力,改善生活质量的重要因素,且已广泛运用于高血压的管理,如健康教育、同伴交流、家人监督等都是当前常见的形式。目前的研究大多为横断面调查,而且主要是护理研究,主要关注社会支持与慢性病患者生活压力、健康结局的关系。而家庭社会支持干预以提高高血压患者治疗依从性的研究较少,样本量不足,试验设计方法参差不齐,干预时间短是目前研究的不足之处。除此之外,家庭社会支持影响高血压患者治疗依从性的中介变量亦不明确。本文综合了国内外家庭社会支持与高血压治疗依从性相关研究,对家庭社会支持和治疗依从性的内涵、临床应用及影响两者关系的中介因素进行综述,以期为进一步的研究提供理论基础。Abstract: Hypertension is an important public health problem in the world, and poor treatment compliance is the main factor of substandard blood pressure and poor prognosis. It is also an important factor affecting hospitalisation rate and medical cost. In recent years, improving the treatment compliance of patients with hypertension has been the bottleneck in the standardised management of hypertension and has been a research hotspot. Family social support has been researched in many fields such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, AIDS, asthma, mood and sleep, particularly its unique role in the management of chronic diseases. Study shows that family social support is an important factor that affects treatment compliance of patients with hypertension and improves self-care ability and quality of life, and it has been widely used in the management of hypertension, such as health education, peer communication and family supervision. Most of the current research is cross-sectional investigations, and it is primarily nursing research, which focuses on the relationship between social support and the life stress and health outcomes of patients with chronic diseases. However, few studies on family social support interventions are conducted to improve the treatment compliance of patients with hypertension. Insufficient sample size, uneven test design methods and short intervention time are the shortcomings of the current research. In addition, the mediators of family social support affecting compliance of patients with hypertension are not clear. This article synthesizes domestic and international research on family social support and treatment compliance of patients with hypertension and reviews the connotation, clinical application and intermediary factors of the relationship between family social support and treatment compliance to provide a theoretical basis for further research.
Key words:
- Hypertension /
- Compliance /
- Social support /
- Family support /
- Progress
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