Multiple methods to establish rat endometrial deep injury model
目的 建立一种大鼠子宫内膜深度损伤的动物模型,为子宫内膜干细胞复合生物支架疗法提供动物模型。 方法 将15只健康有正常动情周期的雌性大鼠按照随机数表的分组方式分为假手术组(5只)及模型组(10只);假手术组雌性大鼠仅开腹不对子宫进行操作,模型组雌性大鼠开腹后对每只大鼠左侧子宫做手术切口后行子宫内膜机械搔刮及宫腔注入细菌脂多糖溶液、子宫缺血处理,右侧子宫做手术切口但不做其他任何处理。经过2个动情周期,假手术组及模型组大鼠均于动情期开腹收集子宫组织,行HE和Masson染色,免疫组织化学检测内膜Collagen Ⅰ、CK18、Vimentin及PECAM-1的表达,对损伤子宫内膜的腺体数目和纤维化面积比率,内膜Collagen Ⅰ、CK18、Vimentin及PECAM-1的表达水平进行统计学分析。 结果 病理学结果显示模型组子宫内膜明显变薄,腺体数量减少,结构紊乱,间质纤维组织增多,胶原聚集,纤维化较明显。免疫组织化学结果显示模型组子宫内膜Collagen Ⅰ表达水平比假手术组高,CK18、Vimentin、PECAM-1表达水平低于假手术组,差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。 结论 采用机械损伤、宫腔注入细菌脂多糖及缺血三重损伤法可以建立大鼠子宫内膜深度损伤模型。 Abstract:Objective To establish an animal model of rat endometrial deep injury, and to provide a basis for subsequent treatment of endometrial injury with endometrial stem cells combined with biological scaffolds. Methods Fifteen healthy female rats with normal oestrous cycle were randomly divided into the following two groups: 5 rats in the sham operation group and 10 rats in the model group. The female rats in the sham operation group only performed laparotomy without uterus operation. After laparotomy, the left uterus of each rat in the model group received mechanical endometrial scratching, injection of lipopolysaccharide solution and uterine ischemia. The right uterus received surgical incision without any other treatment. After two oestrus cycles, oestrus laparotomy uterine tissues were collected from control group and model group rats. HE and Masson staining and immunohistochemical detection were used for the lining of Collagen Ⅰ; the expression of CK18, Vimentin, PECAM-1 and the damage area ratio of the number of endometrial glands and fibrosis. The expression levels of lining collagen Ⅰ, CK18, Vimentin and PECAM-1 were used for statistical analysis. Results Pathological observation showed that the endometrium in the model group was significantly thinner, the number of glands decreased, the structure was disordered, the interstitial fibrous tissue increased and collagen aggregation and fibrosis were obvious. In the immunohistochemical results, the expression level of Collagen Ⅰ in the model group was higher than that in the sham group, whereas the expression levels of CK18, Vimentin and PECAM-1 were lower than that in the sham group, with statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The deep injury model of rat endometrium can be established by mechanical injury, bacterial lipopolysaccharide injection and triple injury after ischemia. -
Key words:
- Endometrium /
- Damage /
- SD rats
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