Effect of group cognitive behavioural therapy on depressive symptoms, coping styles and family functions in adolescents with bipolar depression
目的 探讨团体认知行为治疗(group cognitive behavioral therapy, G-CBT)对青少年双相抑郁患者临床特征、应对方式及家庭功能的作用。 方法 选择2019年1月—2021年1月在杭州市第七人民医院住院治疗的80名青少年双相抑郁患者,采用随机数字表法分为研究组(药物治疗联合G-CBT组)和对照组(药物治疗组),治疗8周后,研究组34例及对照组35例患者完成治疗。治疗前后采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、家庭功能评定量表(FAD)评估2组患者抑郁症状、应对方式及家庭功能。 结果 治疗后,2组HAMD评分研究组[(10.941±3.302)分,对照组(14.742±4.293)分]均较治疗前[(25.676±2.371)分,(26.057±2.900)分]下降,治疗后研究组HAMD评分低于对照组; 在应对方式上,2组积极应对分[(1.904±0.248)分,(1.793±0.345)分]均较治疗前[(1.541±0.300)分,(1.588±0.330)分]升高,消极应对分[(1.398±0.366)分,(1.589±0.411)分]较治疗前[(1.783±0.398)分,(1.789±0.062)分]下降,治疗后研究组消极应对低于对照组; 在家庭功能上,研究组沟通、角色、行为控制、总的功能较治疗前降低,治疗后研究组在沟通、角色较对照组降低,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。 结论 G-CBT可加强药物对青少年双相抑郁患者症状的疗效,改善应对方式及家庭功能中沟通、角色、行为控制及总的功能。 Abstract:Objective To explore the effects of group cognitive behavioural therapy (G-CBT) on the population's clinical characteristics, coping styles and family functions in adolescents with bipolar depression. Methods Eighty adolescents with bipolar depression who were hospitalised in Hangzhou Seventh People's Hospital from January 2019 to January 2021 were selected as the research subjects. They were randomly divided into the study group (drug therapy combined with G-CBT) and control group (drug therapy) for a total of 8 weeks of treatment. Thirty-four patients in the study group and 35 patients in the control group completed the treatment. Hamilton's depression scale, simplified coping style questionnaire and family assessment device scale were used to assess the depressive symptoms, coping styles and family functions of the two groups of patients before and after treatment. Results The Hamilton's depression scale scores of the two groups were lower after treatment (study group 10.941±3.302, control group 14.742±4.293) than before treatment (25.676±2.371 and 26.057±2.900), and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). In terms of coping style, the active coping dimensions (1.904±0.248 and 1.793±0.345) of the two groups were higher than those before treatment (1.541±0.300 and 1.588±0.330, P < 0.05), the dimensions of negative coping (1.398±0.366 and 1.589±0.411) were all lower than those before treatment (1.783±0.398 and 1.789±0.062, P < 0.05). After treatment, the negative coping dimension score of the study group was lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). In terms of family function, the study group's communication, role, behaviour control and total functional dimensions were lower after treatment than before treatment (P < 0.05). After treatment, the study group had better communication and role dimensions than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion G-CBT can enhance the efficacy of drug therapy on depressive symptoms in adolescents with bipolar depression and can significantly improve patients' coping style and family function in communication, role, behaviour control and overall function. -
表 1 2组青少年双相抑郁患者基本情况比较
组别 例数 年龄(x ±s, 岁) 性别(男/女,例) 病程(x ±s, 月) 研究组 34 14.85±1.28 16/18 34.18±14.81 对照组 35 15.14±1.42 16/19 29.89±15.41 统计量 0.890a 0.013b 1.178a P值 0.377 0.911 0.243 注:a为t值,b为χ2值。 表 2 2组青少年双相抑郁患者治疗前后抑郁水平比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 HAMD t值 P值 干预前 治疗8周后 研究组 34 25.68±2.37 10.94±3.30 22.608 <0.001 对照组 35 26.06±2.90 14.74±4.29 13.601 <0.001 t值 -0.596 -4.114 P值 0.553 <0.001 表 3 2组青少年双相抑郁患者治疗前后应对方式比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 积极应对 t值 P值 消极应对 t值 P值 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 研究组 34 1.54±0.30 1.90±0.25 -5.838 <0.001 1.78±0.40 1.40±0.37 4.048 <0.001 对照组 35 1.59±0.33 1.79±0.35 -2.666 0.012 1.79±0.06 1.59±0.41 2.429 0.021 t值 -0.610 1.538 -0.070 -2.165 P值 0.544 0.129 0.944 0.034 表 4 2组青少年双相抑郁患者治疗前后家庭功能比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 沟通 t值 P值 角色 t值 P值 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 研究组 34 24.15±8.02 18.68±6.37 3.515 0.001 27.24±8.82 20.56±5.78 3.764 0.001 对照组 35 23.37±7.00 22.57±7.63 0.523 0.605 26.69±9.50 26.17±9.68 0.203 0.840 t值 0.428 -2.300 0.249 -2.915 P值 0.670 0.025 0.804 0.005 组别 例数 情感反应 t值 P值 情感介入 t值 P值 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 研究组 34 14.12±4.97 12.82±5.41 1.164 0.253 18.24±6.26 17.18±6.70 0.732 0.469 对照组 35 14.14±4.74 13.29±5.35 0.645 0.523 17.91±6.26 17.86±6.35 0.037 0.971 t值 -0.022 -0.357 0.213 -0.433 P值 0.983 0.722 0.832 0.667 组别 例数 解决问题 t值 P值 行为控制 t值 P值 总的功能 t值 P值 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 研究组 34 15.77±4.69 14.15±5.26 1.623 0.114 21.76±9.56 16.62±4.46 2.756 0.009 31.27±10.31 25.41±9.15 2.760 0.009 对照组 35 15.14±5.61 13.60±5.93 1.154 0.257 21.40±7.66 18.51±5.22 1.907 0.065 30.23±11.15 27.03±8.61 1.134 0.265 t值 0.499 0.405 0.175 -1.621 0.401 -0.756 P值 0.619 0.687 0.862 0.110 0.690 0.452 -
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