Effect of collaborative rehabilitation nursing intervention on self-care ability and quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure
目的 协同康复护理干预模式用于慢性心力衰竭(简称“心衰”)患者后对其自我护理能力和生活质量的影响分析。 方法 将秦皇岛市第一医院2018年11月—2020年7月期间收治的120例慢性心衰患者纳入研究,按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组60例。对照组患者实施心内科常规护理措施,观察组患者在对照组基础上行协同康复护理干预模式,干预周期12周,应用自我护理指数量表(SCHFI)及明尼苏达心衰患者生活质量量表(MLHFQ)对2组患者干预前后自护能力和生活质量进行评定,随访半年,对再入院率进行比较。 结果 干预结束后,干预组患者自我护理能力各维度得分显著高于对照组(t维持=9.363,P < 0.001;t管理=11.896,P < 0.001;t信心=7.453,P < 0.001;),生活质量总分及各维度得分显著低于对照组(t总分=-4.152,P < 0.001;t躯体=-4.025,P < 0.001;t情绪=-2.929,P=0.004;t其他=-2.680,P=0.009),差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);随访半年,观察组患者再入院率为8.33%(5/60),对照组为31.67%(19/60),观察组显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.208,P=0.001)。 结论 协同康复护理干预模式应用于慢性心衰患者,可有效改善患者自我护理能力和生活质量,降低再入院率,具有较好的临床推广应用前景。 Abstract:Objective To analyse the influence of collaborative rehabilitation nursing intervention model on the self-care ability and quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure. Methods A total of 120 patients with chronic heart failure admitted to the Qinhuangdao First Hospital from November 2018 to July 2020 were included in the study. The patients were divided into the observation group and control group using the random number table method, with 60 cases in each group. The patients in the control group received routine cardiology nursing measures, and the patients in the observation group performed a collaborative rehabilitation nursing intervention model based on the control group. The intervention period was 12 weeks. The self-care index scale and the Minnesota heart failure patient quality of life scale were applied. The self-care ability and quality of life of the two groups of patients before and after intervention were assessed and followed up for half a year, and the readmission rate was compared. Results After the intervention, all dimensions of the self-care ability of the intervention group were significantly higher than those of the control group (tmaintenance=9.363, P < 0.001; tmanagement=11.896, P < 0.001; tmaintenance=7.453, P < 0.001), whereas the quality of life and total score of each dimension were significantly lower than those in the control group (ttotal score=-4.152, P < 0.001; tbody=-4.025, P < 0.001; temotion=-2.929, P=0.004; tother=-2.680, P=0.009), and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After follow-up for half a year, the re-admission rate of patients in the observation group was 8.33% (5/60), and the control group was 31.67% (19/60). The observation group was significantly lower than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=10.208, P=0.001). Conclusion The model of collaborative rehabilitation nursing intervention applied to patients with chronic heart failure can improve the self-care ability and quality of life of patients and reduce the readmission rate, and this model has a good clinical application potential. -
表 1 2组慢性心衰患者干预前后自我护理能力得分比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 自我护理维持 自我护理管理 自护信心 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 观察组 60 30.52±2.63 46.43±4.31a 25.25±3.25 47.24±7.52a 22.15±6.25 48.63±12.45a 对照组 60 31.12±3.54 36.76±6.74a 24.99±3.01 31.43±7.03a 21.95±4.01 33.42±9.74a t值 -1.054 9.363 0.455 11.896 0.209 7.453 P值 0.294 < 0.001 0.650 < 0.001 0.835 < 0.001 注:与同组干预前比较,aP < 0.05。 表 2 2组慢性心衰患者生活质量得分比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 生活质量总分 躯体领域 情绪领域 其他领域 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 观察组 60 48.52±6.63 35.43±7.31a 22.25±3.25 13.24±3.52a 10.15±2.25 8.03±2.45a 16.15±4.22 12.34±3.10a 对照组 60 48.12±7.54 40.76±6.74a 21.99±3.01 16.43±5.03a 10.95±3.01 9.42±2.74a 16.02±3.05 14.34±4.88a t值 0.309 -4.152 0.455 -4.025 -1.649 -2.929 0.193 -2.680 P值 0.758 < 0.001 0.650 < 0.001 0.102 0.004 0.847 0.009 注:与同组干预前比较,aP < 0.05。 -
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