Influencing factors of hypoglycaemia in post-operative total parenteral nutrition therapy for gastric cancer
目的 探讨胃癌术后患者在全胃肠外营养治疗期间出现低血糖的相关因素,为在临床治疗中降低患者低血糖发生率、为医护人员制定有效的预防和干预措施提供理论依据。 方法 依托临床电子病历系统,采用回顾性研究的方法,收集2018年1月1日—2019年12月31日在中国科学院大学附属肿瘤医院腹部外科行胃癌根治手术的974例患者信息,按照有无发生低血糖,分为低血糖组和非低血糖组,低血糖组为观察组,共126例,非低血糖组为对照组,共848例,采集其临床指标,2组比较年龄、性别、既往史、BMI、手术方式、用药情况和生化指标,单因素分析采用t检验及χ2检验,多因素分析采用二元logistic回归分析。 结果 本研究共纳入974名患者,男性660例(占比67.8%),女性314例(占比32.2%),年龄为(61.2±10.5)岁,发生低血糖126例(12.9%)。二元logistic回归分析显示:性别、BMI、既往糖尿病史、胰岛素葡萄糖配比与胃癌术后患者全胃肠外营养治疗期间低血糖的发生有关。 结论 护理中需关注高危人群,有针对性地从改善患者营养状态、安全合理用药、减少术后应激及禁食时间等方面入手,降低低血糖发生率。 Abstract:Objective To explore the related factors of hypoglycaemia in patients with gastric cancer during total parenteral nutrition therapy and to provide a theoretical basis for reducing the incidence of hypoglycaemia in clinical treatment and for medical staff to formulate effective prevention and intervention measures. Methods A retrospective study was used to collect information on 974 patients who underwent radical gastric cancer surgery in the Department of Abdominal Surgery of the Tumor Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019. According to whether or not hypoglycaemia occurred, they were divided into hypoglycaemia group and non-hypoglycaemia group. The hypoglycaemia group was the observation group (126 cases), and the non-hypoglycaemia group was the control group (848 cases). The two groups compared their age, gender, past history, BMI, surgical methods, medication status and biochemical indicators. Univariate analysis was performed using t test and χ2 test. Multivariate analysis adopted binary logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 974 patients were enrolled in this study, including 660 males (67.8%) and 314 females (32.2%), with an average age of (61.2±10.5) years. A total of 126 cases of hypoglycaemia were reported, with an incidence of 12.9%. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that gender, BMI, previous diabetes history, insulin and glucose ratio were related to the occurrence of hypoglycaemia during total parenteral nutrition therapy in patients after gastric cancer surgery. Conclusion In nursing care, attention should be paid to high-risk groups, and targeted measures should be taken to improve the nutritional status of patients, use drugs safely and rationally, reduce post-operative stress and fasting time and reduce the incidence of hypoglycaemia. -
Key words:
- Gastric cancer /
- Parenteral nutrition /
- Hypoglycaemia /
- Analysis of influencing factors
表 1 974名胃癌手术患者临床基本情况
Table 1. Basic clinical data of 974 patients with gastric cancer undergoing surgery
项目 类别 例(%) 性别 男性 660(67.8) 女性 314(32.2) 既往史 糖尿病 85(11.5) 高血压 283(29.0) 同时患有高血压糖尿病 42(4.3) 手术方式 腹腔镜手术 476(48.9) 开腹手术 497(51.0) 达芬奇机器人 1(0.1) 手术范围 胃近端切除 13(1.3) 胃远端切除 639(65.6) 全胃切除 322(33.1) 吻合方式 毕1吻合 127(13.0) 毕2吻合 514(52.8) Rou-Y吻合 329(33.8) giraffe吻合 4(0.4) BMI <18.5 99(10.2) 18.5~20.5 179(18.4) 20.6~23.9 402(41.3) >24 294(30.2) 表 2 2组一般资料比较(例)
Table 2. Comparison of general data between two groups (cases)
项目 观察组 对照组 χ2值 P值 年龄(岁) 21.886 <0.001 <40 5 30 41~50 8 88 51~60 21 248 61~70 54 351 >70 38 131 性别 11.527 <0.001 男性 102 558 女性 24 290 既往糖尿病史 5.614 0.018 有 18 67 无 108 781 BMI 58.845 <0.001 <18.5 31 68 18.5~20.5 38 141 20.6~23.9 42 360 >24 15 279 手术方式 5.614 0.018 腹腔镜 62 414 开腹 63 434 机器人 1 0 既往有无高血压病史 0.253 0.601 有 39 244 无 87 604 手术范围 胃近端切除 2 11 0.564 0.754 胃远端切除 79 560 全胃切除 45 277 吻合方式 1.530 0.675 毕1 18 109 毕2 61 453 Rou-Y 46 283 giraffe 1 3 表 3 手术前后2组生化指标的比较
Table 3. Comparison of biochemical indexes between the two groups before and after operation
项目 时间 观察组(n=126) 对照组(n=868) 统计量 P值 血清白蛋白(x±s,g/L) 术前 39.8±4.4 41.4±4.3 3.893a <0.001 术后 34.2±4.2 34.7±3.8 1.203a 0.229 前白蛋白(x±s,mg/L) 术前 218.1±59.4 244.8±63.2 4.427a <0.001 术后 139.5±51.0 155.4±57.6 2.905a 0.004 血红蛋白(x±s,g/dL) 术前 11.7±2.3 12.5±2.4 3.538a <0.001 术后 9.8±1.7 10.6±1.7 2.687a 0.052 白细胞计数(x±s,×109/L) 术前 5.79±1.9 6.0±2.0 0.989a 0.323 术后 7.6±2.6 7.9±2.7 0.872a 0.383 中性粒细胞计数(x±s,×109/L) 术前 3.8±1.6 3.8±1.8 0.371a 0.711 术后 5.9±2.4 6.0±2.4 0.432a 0.666 淋巴细胞计数(x±s,×109/L) 术前 1.5±0.5 1.6±0.6 2.362a 0.018 术后 1.0±0.5 1.1±0.5 0.916a 0.360 丙氨酸氨基转移酶[M(P25, P75),U/L] 术前 17.0(13.0,22.3) 19.0(25.0, 27.0) 3.602b <0.001 术后 18.5(15.0, 26.0) 22.0(16.0, 37.0) 3.100b 0.001 总胆红素[M(P25, P75),μmol/L] 术前 8.6(6.1, 11.6) 9.1(6.7, 12.2) 1.679b 0.093 术后 8.9(6.3, 12.6) 10.1(7.2, 14.1) 2.201b 0.058 血肌酐(x±s,μmol/L) 术前 73.9±16.6 70.6±16.8 -2.010a 0.045 术后 65.7±24.0 60.9±17.0 -2.168a 0.032 高密度脂蛋白(x±s,mmol/L) 术前 1.2±0.3 1.1±0.3 -2.688a 0.008 低密度脂蛋白(x±s,mmol/L) 术前 2.6±0.7 2.7±0.8 1.378a 0.169 C反应蛋白[M(P25, P75),mg/L] 术后 45.3(26.6, 72.8) 44.7(24.4, 71.8) 0.369b 0.712 注:a为t值,b为H值。 表 4 胃癌术后患者全胃肠外营养液中葡萄糖与胰岛素配比比较(x±s)
Table 4. Comparison of the ratio of glucose and insulin in total parenteral nutrition solution in post operative patients with gastric cancer (x±s)
组别 糖尿病 非糖尿病 观察组 6.0±1.4 6.8±1.7 对照组 6.1±1.4 7.1±1.7 t值 0.376 1.397 P值 0.708 0.163 表 5 变量赋值说明
Table 5. Description of variable assignment
自变量 赋值方法 性别 女=0,男=1 年龄(岁) 以实际值赋值 既往糖尿病史 否=0,是=1 BMI <18.5=1,18.6~=2,24~=3 血清白蛋白(g/L) <40=1,40~=2,55~=3 血肌酐(μmol/L) <59=1,59~=2,104~=3 丙氨酸氨基转移酶(U/L) <9=1,9~=2,50~=3 手术方式 开腹(Z1=0, Z2=0),腹腔镜(Z1=1, Z2=0),达芬奇机器人(Z1=0, Z2=1) 葡萄糖与胰岛素配比 以实际值赋值 前白蛋白(mg/L) <170=1,170~=2,420~=3 血红蛋白(g/dL) <130=1,130~=2,175~=3 淋巴细胞计数(109/L) <1.1×109/L=1,1.1×109/L~=2,1.3×109/L~=3 表 6 胃癌术后患者全胃肠外营养治疗期间低血糖危险因素logistic回归分析结果
Table 6. Logistic regression analysis of risk factors for hypoglycemia during total parenteral nutrition in postoperative patients with gastric cancer
项目 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 性别 0.910 0.295 9.521 0.002 2.484 1.393~4.429 年龄 0.151 0.124 1.466 0.226 1.163 0.912~1.483 既往糖尿病史 1.130 0.361 9.817 0.002 3.097 1.527~6.281 血清白蛋白(术前) -0.032 0.251 0.016 0.900 0.969 0.589~1.593 BMI -0.752 0.126 35.469 <0.001 0.465 0.368~0.603 血肌酐(术前) 0.009 0.009 0.909 0.340 1.009 0.991~1.027 血肌酐(术后) 0.002 0.008 0.088 0.767 1.002 0.986~1.019 丙氨酸氨基转移酶(术前) 0.230 0.433 0.282 0.595 1.259 0.539~2.941 丙氨酸氨基转移酶(术后) -0.374 0.336 1.241 0.265 0.688 0.356~1.329 葡萄糖胰岛素配比 -0.174 0.069 6.394 0.011 0.842 0.734~0.962 腹腔镜 -0.456 0.228 4.036 0.051 0.634 0.405~0.991 前白蛋白(术前) -0.058 0.325 0.032 0.858 0.954 0.499~1.784 前白蛋白(术后) -0.371 0.253 2.143 0.143 0.689 0.420~1.133 血红蛋白(术前) -0.220 0.172 1.638 0.201 0.804 0.573~1.124 淋巴细胞计数(术前) -0.124 0.277 0.200 0.655 0.883 0.513~1.520 高密度脂蛋白 0.463 0.317 2.132 0.144 1.599 0.854~2.957 注:因达芬奇机器人手术只有1例,故不纳入回归分析。 -
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