Correlation between serum vitamins and vascular endothelial growth factor in late pregnancy and pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction
目的 探讨妊娠晚期血清维生素D及血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)与子痫前期及胎儿生长受限(FGR)的相关性,以期为诊治子痫前期和FGR提供依据。 方法 选择舟山市妇幼保健院2020年7月—2022年12月收治的妊娠晚期子痫前期孕妇124例为研究组,其中伴FGR 38例;另选择同期妊娠晚期正常孕妇54例为对照组。采用电化学免疫分析法测定2组孕妇血清25-羟维生素-D(25-OH-D)水平,酶联免疫吸附法测定血清VEGF水平。 结果 研究组血清25-OH-D[(73.42±6.71)nmol/L]和VEGF[(412.31±35.24)pg/mL]均低于对照组[(94.78±5.25)nmol/L、(536.21±26.23)pg/mL,P<0.05]。FGR组血清25-OH-D[(69.20±5.96)nmol/L]和VEGF[(394.70±32.17)pg/mL]均低于无FGR组[(82.97±7.28)nmol/L、(452.17±27.49)pg/mL,P<0.05]。25-OH-D和VEGF与子痫前期和FGR均呈负相关关系(P<0.05)。25-OH-D预测子痫前期和FGR的灵敏度为83.30%和76.29%,特异度为77.43%和64.19%;VEGF预测子痫前期和FGR的灵敏度为80.13%和68.08%,特异度为68.92%和56.24%。25-OH-D和VEGF为子痫前期和FGR的独立影响因素。 结论 妊娠晚期子痫前期及FGR患者血清25-OH-D和VEGF水平下降,且与子痫前期及FGR的发生呈负相关关系。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the association between serum vitamin D and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in late pregnancy and pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction (FGR), to provide a basis for clinical diagnosis and management of pre-eclampsia and FGR. Methods The 124 patients with pre-eclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy from July 2020 to December 2022 at Zhoushan Maternal and Child Health Hospital were selected as the study group, including 38 patients with FGR. In addition, 54 normal pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy from the same term as the control group. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D) levels were measured by electrochemical immunoassay, and the serum VEGF levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results Serum 25-OH-D [(73.42±6.71) nmol/L] and VEGF [(412.31±35.24) pg/mL] in the study group were lower than in the control group [(94.78±5.25) nmol/L, (536.21±26.23) pg/mL, P < 0.05]. Serum 25-OH-D [(69.20±5.96) nmol/L] and VEGF [(394.70±32.17) pg/mL] were lower in the FGR group than in the non-FGR group [(82.97±7.28) nmol/L, (452.17±27.49) pg/mL, P < 0.05]. Pearson analysis showed that 25-OH-D and VEGF were negatively correlated with pre-eclampsia and FGR (P < 0.05). In predicting pre-eclampsia and FGR, the sensitivity of 25-OH-D were 83.30% and 76.29%, and the specificity were 77.43% and 64.19%; VEGF had a sensitivity of 80.13% and 68.08%, and a specificity of 68.92% and 56.24%. 25-OH-D and VEGF were independent risk factors for pre-eclampsia and FGR. Conclusion The decrease in serum 25-OH-D and VEGF levels in patients with pre-eclampsia and FGR in the third trimester of pregnancy is negatively correlated with the occurrence of pre-eclampsia and FGR and is a risk factor for pre-eclampsia and FGR. -
表 1 研究组与对照组孕妇血清25-OH-D和VEGF水平比较(x±s)
Table 1. Comparison of serum 25-OH-D and VEGF levels between the study group and the control group(x±s)
组别 例数 25-OH-D(nmol/L) VEGF(pg/mL) 研究组 124 73.42±6.71 412.31±35.24 对照组 54 94.78±5.25 536.21±26.23 t值 20.775 23.177 P值 <0.001 <0.001 表 2 FGR组与无FGR组子痫前期孕妇血清25-OH-D和VEGF水平比较(x±s)
Table 2. Comparison of serum 25-OH-D and VEGF levels between the pre eclampsia FGR group and the non FGR group(x±s)
组别 例数 25-OH-D(nmol/L) VEGF(pg/mL) FGR组 38 69.20±5.96 394.70±32.17 无FGR组 86 82.97±7.28 452.17±27.49 t值 11.236 10.177 P值 <0.001 <0.001 表 3 25-OH-D和VEGF与子痫前期和FGR的相关性分析
Table 3. Correlation analysis of 25-OH-D and VEGF with preeclampsia and FGR
项目 子痫前期 FGR r值 P值 r值 P值 25-OH-D -0.762 < 0.001 -0.624 < 0.001 VEGF -0.698 < 0.001 -0.516 < 0.001 表 4 25-OH-D和VEGF对子痫前期的预测价值分析
Table 4. ROC curve analysis of the predictive value of 25-OH-D and VEGF for preeclampsia
项目 AUC 95% CI 截断值 P值 灵敏度(%) 特异度(%) 25-OH-D 0.880 0.830~0.931 80.60 nmol/L <0.001 83.30 77.43 VEGF 0.842 0.779~0.906 475.22 pg/mL <0.001 80.13 68.92 25-OH-D联合VEGF 0.939 0.903~0.974 <0.001 94.53ab 89.91ab 注:与25-OH-D比较,χ2值分别为3.982、4.864,aP<0.05;与VEGF比较,χ2值分别为4.659、7.965,bP<0.05。 表 5 25-OH-D和VEGF对FGR的预测价值分析
Table 5. ROC curve analysis of the predictive value of 25-OH-D and VEGF for FGR
项目 AUC 95% CI 截断值 P值 灵敏度(%) 特异度(%) 25-OH-D 0.754 0.654~0.853 73.85 nmol/L <0.001 76.29 64.19 VEGF 0.665 0.562~0.768 416.50 pg/mL 0.004 68.08 56.24 25-OH-D联合VEGF 0.859 0.782~0.935 <0.001 84.90ab 86.80ab 注:与25-OH-D比较,χ2值分别为4.413、7.476,aP<0.05;与VEGF比较,χ2值分别为5.871、9.628,bP<0.05。 表 6 25-OH-D和VEGF与子痫前期关系的多因素logistic回归分析
Table 6. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the relationship between 25-OH-D, VEGF and preeclampsia
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 25-OH-D 1.498 0.517 8.395 0.004 4.473 1.624~12.321 VEGF 1.561 0.627 6.198 0.013 4.764 1.394~16.280 表 7 25-OH-D和VEGF与FGR关系的多因素logistic回归分析
Table 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the relationship between 25-OH-D, VEGF and FGRs
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 25-OH-D 1.637 0.625 6.860 0.009 5.140 1.510~17.496 VEGF 1.546 0.621 6.198 0.013 4.693 1.389~15.850 -
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