Analysis of nutrient supply and satisfaction factors for lunch among students in Jiading District, Shanghai
目的 了解嘉定区学生午餐营养素供应及满意度情况,为改进学生午餐质量、改善学生营养状况提供科学依据。 方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,于2021年在嘉定区7家学生午餐供餐企业中各随机抽取一所服务学校,对770名4~12年级学生及其家长开展学校午餐的问卷调查。采用查账法结合学生午餐食谱,对供餐企业提供的学校午餐进行营养素供应情况调查分析。 结果 学生对学校午餐满意率顺位由高到低依次为开餐时间84.7%(652/770)、饭菜冷热76.8%(591/770)、量72.1%(555/770)、色71.2%(548/770)、香69.5%(535/770)、形69.2%(533/770)、味64.4%(496/770)。家长对各因素满意率顺位由高到低依次为量92.4%(705/763)、开餐时间87.5%(668/763)、营养搭配84.8%(647/763)、午餐价格79.6%(607/763)、孩子体重62.4%(476/763)。学校午餐碳水化合物及钙的供应低于推荐值,蛋白质及脂肪的供应超出推荐值。 结论 嘉定区学生午餐中能量和主要营养素能满足日常需求,部分营养素未达到推荐值,建议加强营养卫生宣教工作,引导学生建立平衡膳食理念,增加谷物、奶类食用,减少高脂肪食物摄入,促进健康成长。 Abstract:Objective The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the nutrient supply of students' lunch in Jiading District and the satisfaction of primary and secondary school students and parents with school lunch, in order to provide scientific basis for improving the quality of nutritional lunch for primary and secondary school students and improving their nutrition. Methods Using a multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method, a satisfaction survey was conducted on 770 primary and secondary school students from grades 4 to 12 and their parents at a service school randomly selected from each of the 7 school lunch catering enterprises in Jiading District in 2021. A survey and analysis were conducted on the nutrient supply of school lunches provided by catering enterprises using the method of auditing accounts combined with students' lunch recipes. Results The satisfaction rate of students with school lunch ranked from high to low as follows: opening time 84.7% (652/770), hot and cold food 76.8% (591/770), quantity 72.1% (555/770), color 71.2% (548/770), aroma 69.5% (535/770), shape 69.2% (533/770), and taste 64.4% (496/770). The satisfaction rate of parents with various factors ranked in descending order from high to low is quantity 92.4% (705/763), meal time 87.5% (668/763), nutrition matching 84.8% (647/763), lunch price 79.6% (607/763), and child weight 62.4% (476/763). The supply of carbohydrates and calcium for school lunches is lower than the recommended value. The supply of protein and fat exceeds the recommended value. Conclusion The energy and main nutrients in students' lunch in Jiading District can meet their daily needs, but some energy nutrients do not reach the recommended value. It is suggested to strengthen the nutrition and health education for students, work with parents to guide students to establish the concept of reasonable nutrition and balanced diet, develop good eating habits, and increase the intake of milk and grains, reduce the intake of high-fat foods such as fried foods and promote healthy growth of students. -
Key words:
- Students /
- School lunch /
- Influencing factors /
- Nutrient
表 1 学生午餐整体满意度单因素分析[人(%)]
Table 1. Univariate analysis of students' overall satisfaction with lunch [people (%)]
项目 满意
(n=229)统计量 P值 学段 77.169a < 0.001 小学高年级 191(35.3) 34(14.8) 初中 315(58.2) 133(58.1) 高中 35(6.5) 62(27.1) 性别 2.841b 0.092 男性 284(52.5) 105(45.9) 女性 257(47.5) 124(54.1) 色 379.372a < 0.001 满意 497(91.9) 51(22.3) 一般 42(7.8) 168(73.4) 不满意 2(0.4) 10(4.4) 香 437.480a < 0.001 满意 498(92.1) 37(16.2) 一般 39(7.2) 175(76.4) 不满意 4(0.7) 17(7.4) 味 474.121a < 0.001 满意 480(88.7) 16(7.0) 一般 60(11.1) 184(80.3) 不满意 1(0.2) 29(12.7) 形 390.620a < 0.001 满意 490(90.6) 43(18.8) 一般 47(8.7) 178(77.7) 不满意 4(0.7) 8(3.5) 量 241.463a < 0.001 满意 478(88.4) 77(33.6) 一般 57(10.5) 125(54.6) 不满意 6(1.1) 27(11.8) 冷热 207.861a < 0.001 满意 492(90.9) 99(43.2) 一般 47(8.7) 116(50.7) 不满意 2(0.4) 14(6.1) 老师共餐 105.494a < 0.001 一直 225(41.6) 33(14.4) 有时 181(33.4) 52(22.7) 没有 135(25.0) 144(62.9) 碗筷清洁 42.751a < 0.001 干净 476(88.0) 158(69.0) 有时不干净 64(11.8) 66(28.8) 不干净 1(0.2) 5(2.2) 开餐时间 166.003a < 0.001 满意 517(95.6) 135(59.0) 一般 22(4.1) 87(38.0) 不满意 2(0.4) 7(3.1) 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 2 午餐整体满意度多因素分析
Table 2. Multi-factor analysis of overall lunch satisfaction
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 学段 初中 -0.269 0.399 0.421 0.526 0.772 0.353~1.688 高中 -0.341 0.551 0.384 0.543 0.711 0.241~2.093 色 一般 0.755 0.387 3.794 0.057 2.127 1.004~4.545 不满意 -0.390 1.496 0.068 0.791 0.677 0.036~12.708 香 一般 1.311 0.385 11.595 < 0.001 3.712 1.744~7.897 不满意 0.828 1.138 0.529 0.472 2.289 0.246~21.305 味 一般 2.764 0.382 52.407 < 0.001 15.861 7.505~33.520 不满意 5.322 1.178 20.408 < 0.001 204.778 20.348~2 060.845 形 一般 1.467 0.379 14.998 < 0.001 4.338 2.064~9.117 不满意 0.249 1.066 0.054 0.823 1.282 0.159~10.350 量 一般 0.845 0.354 5.710 0.025 2.328 1.164~4.654 不满意 1.545 0.809 3.641 0.067 4.686 0.959~22.899 冷热 一般 0.109 0.378 0.083 0.772 1.115 0.532~2.340 不满意 1.802 1.113 2.621 0.113 6.062 0.684~53.715 老师共餐 有时 0.208 0.445 0.218 0.642 1.231 0.515~2.942 没有 1.174 0.410 8.201 < 0.001 3.234 1.448~7.221 碗筷清洁 有时不干净 -1.082 0.406 7.091 0.018 0.339 0.153~0.751 不干净 -0.709 1.673 0.180 0.672 0.492 0.019~13.072 开餐时间 一般 0.365 0.466 0.613 0.436 1.440 0.578~3.589 不满意 -0.347 1.593 0.047 0.833 0.707 0.031~16.031 注:学段以小学高年级为参照;老师共餐以一直为参照;碗筷清洁以干净为参照;其余各自变量均以满意作为参照。 表 3 家长午餐整体满意度单因素分析[人(%)]
Table 3. Single factor analysis of parents' overall satisfaction with lunch[people (%)]
项目 满意
(n=213)统计量 P值 学段 50.079a < 0.001 小学高年级 191(34.7) 33(15.5) 初中 317(57.6) 131(61.5) 高中 42(7.6) 49(23.0) 价格 299.887a < 0.001 满意 524(95.3) 83(39.0) 一般 24(4.4) 121(56.8) 不满意 2(0.4) 9(4.2) 开餐时间 190.347a < 0.001 满意 538(97.8) 130(61.0) 一般 11(2.0) 76(35.7) 不满意 1(0.2) 7(3.3) 营养搭配 204.026a < 0.001 满意 530(96.4) 117(54.9) 一般 14(2.5) 61(28.6) 不满意 6(1.1) 35(16.4) 量 93.822b < 0.001 满意 540(98.2) 165(77.5) 不满意 10(1.8) 48(22.5) 孩子体重 74.706b < 0.001 满意 395(71.8) 81(38.0) 一般 121(22.0) 103(48.4) 不满意 34(6.2) 29(13.6) 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 4 午餐整体满意度多因素分析
Table 4. Multi-factor analysis of overall lunch satisfaction
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 学段 初中 -0.033 0.458 < 0.001 0.995 0.996 0.408~2.442 高中 0.671 0.405 2.807 0.091 1.973 0.898~4.367 价格 一般 0.205 1.008 0.041 0.839 1.227 0.172~8.849 不满意 2.759 1.032 7.123 < 0.001 15.691 2.072~118.283 开餐时间 一般 -2.355 1.208 3.807 0.051 0.096 0.019~1.018 不满意 -0.408 1.257 0.107 0.747 0.668 0.052~7.850 营养搭配 一般 -2.491 0.621 16.140 < 0.001 0.084 0.024~0.270 不满意 -0.654 0.703 0.868 0.353 0.521 0.137~2.069 量 不满意 -1.795 0.512 12.309 < 0.001 0.169 0.046~0.458 孩子体重 一般 -0.314 0.425 0.540 0.461 0.733 0.319~1.685 不满意 0.623 0.437 2.000 0.151 1.854 0.782~4.373 注:学段以小学高年级为参照;其余各变量均以满意作为参照。 -
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