The relationship between sodium and potassium intake and mild cognitive impairment in community population
目的 研究在社区人群中24小时尿钠钾排泄评估的钠钾摄入量与轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)之间的关系。 方法 于2019年3—6月在额敏县采用多级分层随机抽样进行横断面研究,在年龄≥35岁的561例社区人群中,使用简易认知功能状态检查问卷(MMSE)评估认知功能,按24小时尿钾、尿钠、盐摄入三分位分组,其中24小时尿钾三分位分为最低组(T1,187例)、中等组(T2, 187例)和最高组(T3, 187例),采用多元线性回归模型分析及logistic回归模型分析研究MCI的患病风险。 结果 24小时尿钾T1与T3相比MMSE总分下降[25.0(20.0, 28.0) vs. 27.0(24.0, 29.0),P=0.009],T3 MCI患病率明显低于T1组(9.1% vs. 24.6%,P < 0.001)。多元线性回归分析显示,24小时尿钾与MMSE呈正相关关系(β=0.027,95% CI:0.000~0.054, P=0.047),24小时尿钠与MMSE呈负相关(β=-0.007,95% CI:-0.013~-0.001,P=0.025)。多变量logistic回归分析显示,24小时尿钾较低的T1、T2组较尿钾排泄较高的T3组均增加MCI患病风险,分别为3.222倍(95% CI: 1.577~6.562, P=0.001)和3.022倍(95% CI: 1.513~6.029, P=0.002),24小时尿钠较高的T2相对尿钠较低的T1 MCI的风险是2.812倍(95% CI: 1.502~5.256, P=0.001)。 结论 较高的钠盐摄入及较低的钾盐摄入与MCI独立相关。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the association between sodium and potassium intake, as assessed by 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion, and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in a community population. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in Emin County from March to June 2019 using multi-level stratified random sampling, a total of 561 community residents aged ≥ 35 years were included in this study. The mini-mental state examination (MMSE) was used to assess cognitive function. The subjects were divided into three groups according to 24-hour urinary potassium interquartile grouping: the lowest group (T1, n=187), the middle group (T2, n=187) and the highest group (T3, n=187). Multivariate linear regression model analysis and logistic regression model were used to analyze the risk of MCI. Results Twenty-four-hour urinary potassium total MMSE score was lower in the T1 group than in the T3 group [25.0 (20.0, 28.0) vs. 27.0 (24.0, 29.0), P=0.009], and the prevalence of MCI was significantly lower in the T3 group than in the T1 group (9.1% vs. 24.6%, P < 0.001). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that 24-hour urinary potassium was positively correlated with MMSE (β=0.027, 95% CI: 0.000 to 0.054, P=0.047) and 24-hour urinary sodium was negatively correlated with MMSE (β=-0.007, 95% CI: -0.013 to -0.001, P=0.025). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that T1 and T2 groups with lower 24-hour urinary potassium increased the risk of MCI compared with T3 group with higher urinary potassium excretion by 3.222 times (95% CI: 1.577 to 6.562, P=0.001) and 3.022 times (95% CI: 1.513 to 6.029, P=0.002), respectively. The risk of MCI in the T2 group with higher 24-hour urinary sodium was 2.812 times (95% CI: 1.502 to 5.256, P=0.001) compared with the T1 group with lower urinary sodium. Conclusion Higher sodium intake and lower potassium intake were independently associated with MCI. -
表 1 24小时尿钾含量三分位研究人群一般特征
Table 1. General characteristics of the study population stratified by tertiles of 24-hour urinary potassium excretion
项目 T1:≤25.5(n=187) T2:25.5~35.8(n=187) T3:≥35.8(n=187) 统计量 P值 年龄(x±s,岁) 54.22±9.28 51.87±9.57 52.36±8.95 4.732a 0.009 年龄段[例(%)] 35~44岁 29(15.5) 37(19.8) 36(19.3) 6.436b 0.168 45~59岁 108(57.8) 119(63.6) 114(61.0) ≥60岁 50(26.7) 31(16.6) 37(19.8) 性别(男/女,例) 83/104 62/125 94/93 11.564b 0.003 教育水平[例(%)] 41.401b < 0.001 小学及以下 103(55.1) 60(32.1) 50(26.7) 初中 45(24.1) 46(24.6) 56(29.9) 高中及以上 39(20.9) 81(43.3) 81(43.3) 工作分类[例(%)] 脑力劳动者 31(16.6) 62(33.2) 64(34.2) 19.387b 0.001 体力劳动者 138(73.8) 111(59.4) 104(55.6) 无业或不能分类者 18(9.6) 14(7.5) 19(10.2) 吸烟[例(%)] 41(22.0) 31(16.6) 29(15.5) 2.858b 0.239 饮酒[例(%)] 71(38.0) 66(35.3) 97(51.9) 12.953b 0.002 BMI(x±s) 26.53±3.92 26.83±4.09 27.28±3.93 0.664a 0.571 < 25 51(27.3) 50(26.7) 33(17.6) 7.061b 0.133 25~30 73(39.0) 67(35.8) 84(44.9) ≥30 63(33.7) 70(37.4) 70(37.4) 腹围(x±s,cm) 91.13±11.21 93.15±10.78 82.58±9.68 1.440a 0.237 腹型肥胖[例(%)] 102(54.5) 117(62.6) 121(64.7) 4.211b 0.122 高血压[例(%)] 100(53.5) 88(47.1) 90(48.1) 1.766b 0.413 高脂血症[例(%)] 61(32.6) 78(41.7) 72(38.5) 1.671b 0.434 糖尿病[例(%)] 15(8.1) 22(11.8) 27(14.4) 3.778b 0.151 脑卒中[例(%)] 19(10.1) 15(8.0) 14(7.5) 1.001b 0.605 降压药物[例(%)] 42(22.5) 52(27.8) 39(20.9) 2.742b 0.254 收缩压(x±s,mmHg) 132.53±18.24 131.80±18.49 131.16±16.39 0.573a 0.568 舒张压(x±s,mmHg) 83.47±12.13 81.23±10.20 82.59±9.68 1.391a 0.251 空腹血糖[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 5.23(4.60, 5.81) 5.20(4.73, 6.00) 5.49(4.81, 6.10) 6.320c 0.042 血清总胆固醇[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 4.87(4.02, 5.52) 4.60(3.93, 5.22) 4.69(4.10, 5.55) 1.582c 0.453 甘油三酯[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 1.05(0.70, 1.58) 1.20(0.80, 1.60) 1.31(0.90, 1.91) 15.958c < 0.001 血清肌酐[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 70.40(57.50, 91.00) 67.00(55.20, 85.70) 74.80(59.53, 94.10) 5.341c 0.069 24小时尿钾[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 19.58(16.34, 25.88) 30.82(27.89, 33.22) 45.41(39.27, 59.82) 497.782c < 0.001 24小时尿肌酐[M(P25, P75),mmol/L] 6.57(5.01, 8.60) 8.03(6.73, 10.10) 10.06(8.30, 12.96) 2.881c 0.237 24小时尿蛋白[M(P25, P75),mg] 40.00(25.00, 65.75) 39.00(23.00, 63.00) 44.50(28.00, 75.00) 5.774c 0.056 肾小球滤过率[M(P25, P75),mL/(min·1.73 m2)] 90.64(69.43, 103.39) 96.82(74.27, 107.97) 88.44(68.09, 104.18) 4.365c 0.112 钾盐摄入[M(P25, P75),g] 0.76(0.64, 0.89) 1.20(1.09, 1.30) 1.78(1.53, 2.10) 497.780c < 0.001 注:a为F值,b为χ2值, c为H值;1 mmHg=0.133 kPa。 表 2 24小时尿钾三分位分组间MMSE评分及MCI患病率比较
Table 2. Comparison of MMSE scores and MCI prevalence among tertiles of 24-hour urinary potassium excretion
项目 T1:≤25.5(n=187) T2:25.5~35.8(n=187) T3:≥35.8(n=187) 统计量 P值 总MMSE得分[M(P25, P75),分] 25.0(20.0, 28.0)a 26(22.3, 28.3)a 27.0(24.0, 29.0) 19.341c < 0.001 定向力[M(P25, P75),分] 9.0(8.1, 10.0)b 10.0(9.0, 10.0)a 10.0(9.0, 10.0) 10.884c 0.004 记忆力[M(P25, P75),分] 3.0(2.5, 3.0)a 3.0(3.0, 3.0)a 3.0(3.0, 3.0) 8.920c 0.012 注意力及计算能力[M(P25, P75),分] 3.0(1.0, 5.0)a 4.0(2.0, 5.0)a 4.0(3.0, 5.0) 18.544c < 0.001 回忆能力[M(P25, P75),分] 2.0(1.0, 3.0)a 2.0(1.0, 3.0)a 2.0(2.0, 3.0) 10.881c 0.004 语言和表达能力[M(P25, P75),分] 8.5(6.8, 9.0)b 9.0(7.0, 9.0)a 9.0(8.0, 9.0) 10.890c 0.004 MCI患病[例(%)] 46(24.6)a 44(23.5)a 17(9.1) 18.183d < 0.001 年龄≥45岁人群[例(%)] 155(82.9) 144(77.0) 144(77.0) - 总MMSE得分[M(P25, P75),分] 24.0(20.0, 28.0) 25.7(21.8, 28.0) 26.0(23.0, 29.0) 8.172c < 0.001 定向力[M(P25, P75),分] 9.0(8.0, 10.0) 10.0(8.0, 10.0) 10.0(8.0, 10.0) 1.841c 0.161 记忆力[M(P25, P75),分] 3.0(2.0, 3.0) 3.0(3.0, 3.0)a 3.0(3.0, 3.0) 3.882c 0.021 注意力及计算能力[M(P25, P75),分] 3.0(1.0, 4.0)b 4.0(2.0, 5.0)a 4.0(2.0, 5.0) 7.251c 0.001 回忆能力[M(P25, P75),分] 2.0(1.0, 3.0)a 2.0(1.0, 3.0)a 2.0(2.0, 3.0) 5.538c 0.004 语言和表达能力[M(P25, P75),分] 8.0(6.0, 9.0) 9.0(7.0, 9.0)a 9.0(7.0, 9.0) 4.176c 0.016 MCI患病[例(%)] 44(28.4)a 37(25.7)a 16(11.1) 14.830d 0.001 注:与T3比较,aP < 0.05;与T2比较,bP < 0.05;“-”为未比较。c为H值,d为χ2值。 表 3 24小时尿钠、尿钾及盐摄入与MMSE评分相关性的多元线性回归分析
Table 3. Multivariate linear regression analysis of the correlation between 24-hour urinary sodium, potassium, salt intake and MMSE score
变量 未调整的β(95% CI) P值 调整后的a β(95% CI) P值 总人群 24小时尿钠(mmol) 0.002(-0.003~0.008) 0.405 -0.007(-0.013~-0.001) 0.030 24小时尿钾(mmol) 0.049(0.023~0.074) < 0.001 0.027(0.000~0.054) 0.047 盐摄入(g/d) 0.040(-0.055~0.136) 0.405 -0.116(-0.222~-0.011) 0.030 年龄≥45岁人群 24小时尿钠(mmol) 0.002(-0.004~0.009) 0.498 -0.006(-0.013~0.001) 0.096 24小时尿钾(mmol) 0.047(0.020~0.075) 0.001 0.026(-0.004~0.056) 0.085 盐摄入(g/d) 0.038(-0.071~0.147) 0.498 -0.102(-0.223~0.018) 0.096 注:a根据年龄、性别、教育状况、职业、吸烟状况、饮酒假设、收缩压、中风、血脂异常、糖尿病、估计肾小球滤过率进行调整,24小时尿钠、24小时尿钾和盐摄入量,分析时分别调整另外2项。 表 4 24小时尿钠、尿钾和盐摄入三分位数相对MCI风险简单或多元logistic回归分析
Table 4. Univariate analysis or multivariate logistic regression analysis of the association between tertiles of 24-hour urinary sodium, potassium, salt intake, and the relative risk of MCI
变量 简单logistic回归OR(95% CI) P值 多元logisticaOR(95% CI) P值 多元logisticbOR(95% CI) P值 总人群 24小时尿钠c T2 1.692 (1.023~2.812) 0.043 2.277 (1.219~4.242) 0.009 2.812 (1.502~5.256) 0.001 T3 0.923 (0.527~1.611) 0.778 1.191 (0.603~2.342) 0.620 1.856 (0.932~3.753) 0.081 24小时尿钾d T1 3.265 (1.786~5.942) < 0.001 2.703(1.366~5.333) 0.004 3.222(1.577~6.562) 0.001 T2 3.082 (1.688~5.623) < 0.001 2.812(1.422~5.583) 0.003 3.022(1.513~6.029) 0.002 盐摄入c T2 1.691(1.023~2.814) 0.043 2.284 (1.216~4.245) 0.009 2.813 (1.502~5.264) 0.001 T3 0.923(0.532~1.614) 0.778 1.192 (0.604~2.337) 0.620 1.865 (0.931~3.748) 0.081 年龄≥45岁人群 24小时尿钠c T2 1.647(0.858~3.213) 0.137 2.113(0.927~4.771) 0.073 3.069(1.276~7.341) 0.012 T3 1.020 (0.502~2.073) 0.964 1.103(0.442~2.733) 0.846 2.162 (0.793~5.849) 0.132 24小时尿钾d T1 4.122(1.873~9.064) < 0.001 4.101(1.634~10.302) 0.003 5.501 (2.029~14.893) 0.001 T2 3.214(1.427~7.213) 0.005 2.512(0.977~6.429) 0.056 2.652 (1.024~6.913) 0.046 盐摄入c T2 1.652(0.853~3.212) 0.137 2.111(0.932~4.767) 0.073 3.069 (1.281~7.342) 0.012 T3 1.024(0.501~2.072) 0.964 1.103(0.442~2.732) 0.846 2.162 (0.791~5.853) 0.132 注:a为整年龄、性别、教育程度、职业、吸烟状况、饮酒情况、体重指数类别、收缩压、估计肾小球滤过率、中风、血脂异常、糖尿病。b为当24小时尿钾、24小时尿钠或盐摄入量是预测变量时,调整其他两因素。c为均以T1为参照;d为均以T3为参照。 -
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