Exploring the syndrome differentiation of lung diseases in traditional Chinese medicine based on the Qihai theory using the Xuanjiang therapy
摘要: 气海主全身之气,气海调畅则肺气宣发肃降活动正常,若气海失司则气机宣降失调,而易生肺病,临证辨治当以宣降法为大法,以宣降气海气机,治疗肺病。基于此,本文基于气海理论对运用宣降法在中医肺病防治中的理论依据及临床运用进行探讨,气海理论是中医肺病辨治的指导理论,具有重要的理论意义与临床价值。从气海理论角度,对运用宣降法辨治常见肺病进行探讨,分别从病因、病机来详述分析,提出气海气机失调,宣降肺气辨治咳嗽;痰饮留伏气海,宣降利痰辨治哮病;邪热壅塞气海,宣降排脓辨治肺痈;气海肺络失养,宣降滋阴辨治肺痨;气海气机壅滞,宣降利气辨治肺胀;气海津液虚损,宣降布津辨治肺痿;参考相关文献并结合相关临床资料的治法、疗效进行总结。研究认为气海气机宣降失调是中医肺病的主要病理变化,在气海理论的指导下运用宣降法,合理选择方药进行辨治,可有效改善疾病症状,延缓病情发展,减少发作次数,提高患者生活质量。通过对气海紊乱在各肺系疾病中致病病机的详细论述,阐明以气海理论为指导,采用宣降气机、扶正祛邪的方法,在肺系疾病中的临床应用,可发挥中医药疗效优势,为肺病的中医诊疗和相关研究提供临床思路。Abstract: The Qihai is the primary Qi of the entire body. When the Qihai is in a state of smoothness, the Qi of lung is able to achieve normalization. Conversely, when the Qihai is in a state of disharmony, the Qi is also disrupted, which can result in the onset of lung diseases. The most effective treatment approach is to employ the method of declaring and descending the Qi movement of Qihai. This method is designed to address the underlying causes of lung diseases. This paper presents a discussion of the theoretical basis and clinical application of the Xuanjiang therapy in the prevention and treatment of lung diseases in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), based on the theory of Qihai. The theory of Qihai provides a fundamental framework for the identification and treatment of lung diseases in TCM, offering significant theoretical insights and clinical value. From the perspective of Qihai theory, this paper discusses the use of the Xuanjiang therapy in the treatment of common lung diseases. It analyzes the causes and mechanisms of these diseases in detail and proposes that Qi movement of Qihai dysfunction, Xuanjiang lung Qi treatment for cough; phlegm stays in Qihai, Xuanjiang phlegm treatment for croup; Evil heat congestion of the Qihai, Xuanjiang pus treatment for lung carbuncle; Qihai lung ligament loss of nourishment, Xuanjiang nourishing yin treatment for consumption; Qi movement of Qihai congestion, Xuanjiang regulating Qi treatment for pulmonary distension; Qihai fluid loss, Xuanjiang dispering fluid treatment for lung impotence; and Xuanjiang Bujin treatment for lung impotence. The treatment of lung impotence was identified with reference to relevant literature and clinical data, and a summary of the treatment method and efficacy was provided. It is hypothesized that the primary pathological alteration in lung diseases within the context of Chinese medicine is the dysregulation of Qi propagation and descending. The utilization of the propagation and descending method, in conjunction with the guidance of the theory of Qihai and the rational selection of prescription drugs, has the potential to effectively improve the symptoms of the disease, delay its progression, reduce the frequency of episodes and enhance the quality of life for patients. By examining the pathogenesis of Qihai disorders in various lung diseases in detail, it becomes evident that the clinical application of the Qihai theory as a guide to promote and reduce Qi, support the positive and eliminate the evil in lung diseases can fully utilize the efficacy of TCM, and provide a clinical idea for the TCM diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases and the related research.
Key words:
- Lung disease /
- Respiratory disease /
- Qihai /
- Xuanjiang therapy /
- Traditional Chinese medicine therapy
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