The current situation of sibling relationship quality in preschool children and its correlation with emotional and behavioral problems
目的 了解学龄前儿童同胞关系现状,分析其对情绪和行为问题的影响,为儿童早期心理健康发展提供参考依据。 方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,于2022年4—6月在铜陵市三区一县抽取11所幼儿园多孩家庭1 448名3~6岁儿童。采用儿童早期同胞关系质量问卷(父母版)和儿童长处和困难问卷(SDQ,父母版)进行调查,由儿童监护人填写。 结果 1 448名儿童同胞温暖得分为(3.725±0.658)分,同胞冲突得分为(3.453±0.675)分,同胞嫉妒得分为(3.770±0.796)分。大孩、年龄差≤5岁的儿童较易发生同胞冲突和同胞嫉妒。Logistic回归分析显示,与高分组相比,同胞温暖低分组(OR=2.015,95% CI:1.263~3.885)、同胞冲突中分组(OR=0.424, 95% CI: 0.258~0.697) 和同胞嫉妒低分组(OR=0.387, 95% CI: 0.197~0.760)的儿童易发生情绪和行为问题(P<0.05)。 结论 本地区学龄前儿童同胞关系良好;同胞关系对学龄前儿童情绪和行为问题的发生有影响,应尽早干预。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current status of sibling relationships among preschool children, analyze its impact on emotional and behavioral problems, so as to provide references for the early development of children's mental health. Methods Using the method of stratified cluster sampling, 1 448 children aged 3-6 years old were selected from 11 kindergartens and families with multiple children in three districts and one county of Tongling City from April to June 2022. The early childhood sibling's quality questionnaire (parent version) and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ, parent version) were completed by the children's guardians. Results The average sibling warmth score was 3.725±0.658, the average sibling conflict score was 3.453 ± 0.675, and the average sibling jealousy score was 3.770±0.796. The biggest child of multi-child families and children with an age difference of less than 5 years were more prone to occur sibling conflict and sibling jealousy. Logistic regression analysis showed that children in the sibling warmth low score group (OR=2.015, 95% CI: 1.263-3.885), sibling conflict middle score group (OR=0.424, 95% CI: 0.258-0.697) and sibling jealousy low score group (OR=0.387, 95% CI: 0.197-0.760) were prone to emotional and behavioral problems (P < 0.05). Conclusion The sibling relationships among preschool children in Tongling are good, and sibling relationships have an impact on the occurrence of emotional and behavioral problems in preschool children. Early intervention is necessary. -
表 1 不同项目儿童同胞关系各维度得分比较(x±s, 分)
Table 1. Comparison of scores across various dimensions of sibling relationships based on different factors (x±s, points)
项目 人数 温暖 冲突 嫉妒 出生顺序 大孩 337 3.744±0.661 3.354±0.697 3.617±0.834 二孩及三孩 1 111 3.719±0.657 3.483±0.666 3.817±0.779 t值 0.631 3.706 4.072 P值 0.528 0.002 <0.001 年龄差 ≤5岁 739 3.701±0.654 3.283±0.665 3.637±0.814 6~10岁 463 3.738±0.681 3.525±0.629 3.856±0.758 ≥11岁 246 3.768±0.622 3.823±0.618 4.012±0.737 F值 10.99 68.680 25.196 P值 0.334 <0.001 <0.001 家庭孩子数 2个 1 399 3.720±0.655 3.448±0.678 3.767±0.793 3个 49 3.843±0.714 3.582±0.567 3.900±0.888 t值 1.287 1.360 1.066 P值 0.198 0.174 0.287 家庭结构 核心家庭 913 3.708±0.651 3.457±0.680 3.764±0.799 联合家庭 501 3.760±0.673 3.444±0.668 3.779±0.795 其他 34 3.653±0.588 3.463±0.652 3.812±0.750 F值 1.219 0.056 0.099 P值 0.296 0.945 0.906 性别 男 697 3.680±0.658 3.427±0.682 3.753±0.804 女 751 3.766±0.655 3.478±0.669 3.787±0.790 t值 2.491 1.405 0.825 P值 0.013 0.160 0.410 同胞性别组合 姐妹 373 3.723±0.662 3.527±0.635 3.754±0.723 姐弟/兄妹 760 3.723±0.658 3.426±0.680 3.778±0.820 兄弟 315 3.731±0.653 3.429±0.703 3.772±0.825 F值 0.018 3.307 0.117 P值 0.982 0.048 0.890 注:联合家庭指祖辈和父母、孩子一起生活,核心家庭指父母和孩子一起生活,其他家庭指孩子和祖辈一起生活;三孩年龄差以与三孩最近的孩子计算。 表 2 不同项目儿童困难总分异常检出率比较[人(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of abnormal detection rate of total difficulty score of children in different projects[people(%)]
项目 人数 正常 异常 χ2值 P值 出生顺序 1.432 0.228 大孩 337 302(89.6) 35(10.4) 二孩及三孩 1 111 1 020(91.8) 91(8.2) 年龄差 4.840 0.089 ≤5岁 739 676(91.5) 63(8.5) 6~10岁 463 429(92.7) 34(7.3) ≥11岁 246 217(88.2) 29(11.8) 性别 5.310 0.021 男 697 624(89.5) 73(10.5) 女 751 698(92.9) 53(7.1) 家庭结构 0.761 0.684 核心家庭 913 838(91.8) 75(8.2) 联合家庭 501 453(90.4) 48(9.6) 其他 34 31(91.2) 3(8.8) 同胞性别组合 4.158 0.125 姐妹 373 348(93.3) 25(6.7) 姐弟/兄妹 760 693(91.2) 67(8.8) 兄弟 315 280(88.9) 35(11.1) 年龄(岁) 2.293 0.495 3~ 114 100(87.7) 14(12.3) 4~ 438 398(90.9) 40(9.1) 5~ 632 581(91.9) 50(8.1) 6~ 264 243(92.0) 21(8.0) 表 3 同胞关系各维度分组儿童情绪和行为问题异常检出率比较[人(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of detection rates of emotional and behavioral problems in all dimensions of sibling relations[people(%)]
项目 组别 人数 情绪异常 品行 多动 同伴 亲社会 困难总分 温暖 低分组 367 37(10.1) 78(21.3) 66(18.0) 102(27.8) 66(18.0) 54(14.7) 中分组 758 50(6.6) 85(11.2) 88(11.6) 143(18.9) 44(5.8) 53(7.0) 高分组 323 15(4.6) 27(8.4) 21(6.5) 44(13.6) 10(3.1) 19(5.9) χ2值 8.245 30.135 21.657 22.785 62.998 22.719 P值 0.016 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 冲突 低分组 503 51(10.1) 115(22.9) 87(17.3) 114(22.7) 58(11.5) 74(14.7) 中分组 509 29(5.7) 43(8.4) 50(9.8) 90(17.7) 36(7.1) 27(5.3) 高分组 436 22(5.0) 32(7.3) 38(8.7) 85(19.5) 26(6.0) 25(5.7) χ2值 11.427 64.409 19.966 4.015 11.049 35.097 P值 0.003 <0.001 0.001 0.134 0.004 <0.001 嫉妒 低分组 405 51(12.6) 97(24.1) 59(14.6) 93(23.0) 46(11.4) 60(14.8) 中分组 656 42(6.4) 71(10.8) 77(11.7) 126(19.2) 52(7.9) 49(7.5) 高分组 387 9(2.3) 22(5.7) 39(10.1) 70(18.1) 22(5.7) 17(4.4) χ2值 33.158 64.691 3.892 3.676 8.585 29.349 P值 <0.001 <0.001 0.143 0.159 0.014 <0.001 表 4 同胞关系各维度与儿童情绪与行为问题的影响分析
Table 4. Analysis of the correlations between various dimensions of sibling relationships and children's emotional and behavioral issues
同胞关系 组别 原始模型 控制模型 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 温暖 高分组 低分组 0.808 0.287 7.747 0.005 2.244(1.281~3.934) 0.795 0.287 7.669 0.006 2.015(1.263~3.885) 中分组 0.084 0.281 0.069 0.793 1.088(0.620~1.869) 0.073 0.281 0.067 0.795 1.076(0.620~1.868) 冲突 高分组 低分组 -0.505 0.286 3.108 0.078 0.604(0.344~1.058) -0.472 0.287 2.700 0.100 0.624(0.355~1.095) 中分组 -0.867 0.253 11.764 <0.001 0.420(0.256~0.690) -0.857 0.253 11.437 <0.001 0.424(0.258~0.697) 嫉妒 高分组 低分组 -0.911 0.343 7.052 0.008 0.402(0.205~0.788) -0.949 0.345 7.589 0.006 0.387(0.197~0.760) 中分组 -0.395 0.227 3.302 0.082 0.673(0.432~1.051) -0.412 0.228 3.269 0.071 0.662(0.424~1.035) -
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