Objective Physical diagnostics is an important theoretical and practical convergence discipline. To investigate the effect of BOPPPS combined with CBL method in experimental teaching of physical diagnosis under the background of "Internet+".
Methods The undergraduate-master General Medical students of Anhui Medical University were randomly divided into two groups according to the class. Class Ⅰ was experimental group(
n=36) and Class Ⅱ was control group(
n=32). The experimental group used BOPPPS+CBL under the background of "Internet+" teaching method. The control group used the traditional teaching method. After the course, the two groups of students were tested on theory and skills, and the questionnaire were used to investigate the students' interest in learning, autonomous learning ability, clinical thinking ability, teamwork, and satisfaction with teaching methods to evaluate their teaching effect.
Results The theoretical scores and skill operation scores of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the traditional teaching group( theory scores: 80.37±8.97 vs. 73.81±9.97,
P=0.006; skill operation scores: 81.88±7.29 versus 75.06±8.87,
P=0.001). The results of the questionnaire survey showed that compared with the traditional teaching group, BOPPPS and CBL group's evaluation of learning interest, autonomous learning ability, clinical thinking, teamwork, and teaching satisfaction were also significantly better than those of the traditional teaching group(all
Conclusion The teaching method of BOPPPS+CBL under the background of "Internet+" teaching method is superior to the traditional one. The new teaching method can not only improve study interest, develop self-learning and clinical thinking ability, enhance communication between teachers and students, but also enhance the teaching quality of the experimental physical diagnosis course.