Chinese Journal of General Practice Data Sharing Policy

Data Sharing Policy

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The journal encourages authors to cite relevant scientific data in papers, provide data availability statements, and store the data in an appropriate data repository. We strongly encourage that data generated by your research that supports your article be made available upon reasonable request to enhance reproducibility.

(1) During submission, it is recommended to upload the original experimental data to the submission / review system database or register the data in the international database for DOI identification code, so as to provide reference for the reviewers and other readers when reading.

(2) If the original data involves genes, proteins, mutants and disease content, it is recommended to register in the international public database, and provide the registration number at the time of submission.

(3) If there is a small amount of special category data in the original data, it can be uploaded as the paper attachment together with the paper, and the paper will be published online in the form of supplement.

(4) In the case of open-access data obtained from other sources, the authors must clearly state the data source.

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