Instructions for Authors of Chinese Journal of General Practice
2022 Edition
Chinese Journal of General Practice (CJGP), founded in March 2003, is supervised by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China and co-sponsored by Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Anhui General Medicine Association, and is a serial journal of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association. CJGP is a peer-reviewed journal for research scientists, physicians, policy-makers, health administration, and public health professionals working on diverse disciplinaries of general medicine. Currently, CJGP is a source journal of Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database. CJGP provides an academic platform for rapid publication of the latest findings, approaches, and viewpoints related to general medicine.
Article types accepted include forum, seminar, research article, short report, review, commentary, editorial, short communication, case report and review. These should focus on multi-disciplinary research or clinical topics in general medicine. Papers should advance the scientific knowledge of the epidemiology, etiology, biology, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and management of common clinical disorders. Readers include but are not limited to clinical physicians, teachers and students in medical colleges and universities, health policy makers, health administrators, research scientists, public health and community health workers related to general medicine.
Online Article Submission
Submissions to Chinese Journal of General Practice are made using the SoWise online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at
Papers submitted to the Journal should present previously unpublished data or interpretations; they should not be submitted elsewhere while under editorial consideration. Manuscripts should be clear and credible in argument, have a clear hierarchy, use concise headings and have an appropriate mix of text, figures and tables. The prescribed word count for clinical research and experimental research papers shall not be less than 7, 000 words, reviews shall not be less than 10, 000 words, and case reports shall not be less than 4, 000 words (included punctuation and spaces)
Text should be double-spaced and free of all corrections. Word format is preferred. Figures should be included the text.
l Author's addresses and affiliations should be on the first page. Authors should provide all their names, professional titles, academic degrees and full work addresses including email address and telephone information.
l Title. The title should summarize the most important specific content in the article with accurate and concise phrases. The Chinese text title should be less than 30 words. Notes: (1) Please use phrases that can fully reflect the subject content of the paper, and do not use complete sentences. (2) Please try to avoid using non-public and recognized abbreviations, characters, codes. When it must be used, it should be limited to those commonly used and with definite meaning, such as DNA, CT, DIC, etc. (3) Punctuation marks are not be used in the title.
l An Abstract. All submission should be presented with Chinese and English structured abstracts (objective, methods, results and conclusion), with a word count of 500 to 600 words. Figures, tables, references, comments and explanations are not allowed. The English abstract should correspond to the Chinese abstract and can be slightly detailed.
l Each manuscript includes 3 to 8 keyword after the abstract, use ";" between keywords.
l Please provide the name and serial number of the fund project if the research is supported by a research fund or the relevant government departments or social organizations.
l All mathematical formulae should be numbered consecutively within parentheses at the end of the formula; formulae should be presented on separate lines; longer formulae should be broken at an operation symbol.
Illustrations and Tables
Authors should pay particular attention to the clarity and spelling of any lettering on the diagrams, and some reduction in size should be allowed for. All figures must be colored and of a resolution suitable for reproduction.
All illustrations should be clearly numbered with the figure number and caption clearly indicated on the bottom of the figure. Accepted file formats include JPG or TIF.
Table numbers and names should be centered; table footnotes should be included at the bottom of the table; table symbols and units should be clearly designated. Authors are requested to express decimal fractions with full-stops, not commas. Tabulated 'raw' data should be kept to a minimum.
Only those references cited in the text, tables and figures should be listed numerically in the bibliography. There should be a minimum of 15 references in each article.
Examples of style are:
Article within a journal
Surname A, Surname B, Surname C, et al. Article Title[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2021, 19(1): 266-267.
Surname A. Book Title[M]. Publisher Location: Publisher Name, 2020: 10-15.
PhD thesis
Surname A. Thesis Title[D]. University address: University Name, 2015.
Terminology, quantities, units of measurement and symbols should all adopt the international standard and should be consistently used throughout the manuscript.
Competing Interests
Conflict of interests/competing interests can be defined as factors which could influence the judgment of an author, reviewer or editors, and may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial in nature. Put simply, they are interests which, if revealed later, would make a reasonable reader feel misled or deceived.
Ethics in publishing
Please see our information pages on our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material is defined as any content that supports, but is not key to, the understanding of a published item's message. Supplementary material is exclusively published online and can include video, audio, large datasets, figures and tables. Supplementary files will be subject to the usual journal peer review process.
Submission procedure
Supplementary files should be submitted at the point of initial manuscript submission. Some supplementary material may not be able to be submitted through our online peer review systems, due to file size or compatibility problems. In such cases supplementary material can be sent directly to the editorial office at
The journal requires all authors to follow the correct standards of reporting regarding biomedical research. Please refer to EQUATOR for guidelines for health research and MIBBI for guidelines and tools for bioscience reporting. Authors are strongly encouraged to use these guidelines as a checklist when writing their manuscripts.
Other available checklists include CONSORT for randomized controlled trials, PRISMA for systematic reviews, STROBE for observational studies, MOOSE for meta analyses of observational studies, STARD for diagnostic accuracy studies, RATS for qualitative studies, and CHEERS for economic evaluations.
Authors of systematic reviews must provide a link in the Methods section that shows all details of the search strategy. Refer to Cochrane Reviewers’ Handbook for examples of the presentation of search strategies.
Authors must use standardized gene nomenclature. The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee details human gene symbols and names. Information on other species can be found at; the Human Genome Variation Society provides guidelines on mutation nomenclature.
Where appropriate authors should follow CARE guidelines for case reports, STREGA guidelines for genetic association studies and SRQR guidelines for qualitative studies.
Authors are expected to comply with current field-specific standards regarding the preparation and recording of data (, while also maintaining strict patient confidentiality. In addition, when using unpublished data, authors must make contact with the owners of the data before starting their own research.
Human and Animal Testing
All human or animal studies should be approved or exempted by the appropriate institutional human and/or animal subject review committee, or if no formal ethics committee is available, are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. This approval or exemption should be stated in the Methods section of the article.
When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether institutional and national standards for the care and use of laboratory animals are followed. Further guidance on animal research ethics is available from the International Association of Veterinary Editors' Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare and ARRIVE guidelines
Patient Consent
All authors must declare that, where relevant, patient consent has been obtained (or the consent of their parent or guardian in the case of children under 16) and that all reasonable steps have been taken to maintain patient confidentiality, including illustrations, which should be anonymized as far as possible.
Clinical Trials Registration
The journal adheres to ICMJE's Clinical Trials Registration Statement. All clinical trials published in the journal must be registered in a public trial's registry at or before the onset of participant enrolment. Manuscripts should include the exact URL and unique identification number for the trial registration at the time of submission. This information will be published in the article and we ask that you include the URL and identification number on the title page of your manuscript.
For any clinical trials commencing prior to 2008, retrospective registration will be accepted. A list of recommended registries can be found on the ICMJE website. Results posted in the same clinical trials registry in which the primary registration resides will not be considered prior publication if they are presented in the form of a brief abstract (500 words or less) or a table.
Clinical trials must be reported according to the relevant reporting guidelines, i.e. CONSORT for randomized controlled trials, TREND for non-randomized trials, and other specialized guidelines as appropriate. The intervention should be described according to the requirements of the TIDieR checklist and guide. Submissions must also include the study protocol as supporting information, which will be published with the manuscript if accepted.
Authors of manuscripts describing the results of clinical trials must adhere to the CONSORT reporting guidelines appropriate to their trial design, available on the CONSORT Statement web site. Any deviation from the trial protocol must be explained in the paper. Authors must explicitly discuss informed consent in their paper, and we reserve the right to ask for a copy of the patient consent form.
Registration of Systematic Reviews
The prospective registration of systematic reviews is welcomed, and we encourage all authors to register their systematic reviews in a suitable registry (such as PROSPERO). Please include the registration number in the last line of the manuscript abstract.