Volume 19 Issue 11
Nov.  2021
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Article Contents
LI Qian, WANG Yi-fei, SHI Jian-wei, YU Wen-ya, ZHOU Liang, GAO Xiang, WANG Zhao-xin, LYU Yi-peng. The theory and practice of community health portraits from the perspective of general practitioners[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2021, 19(11): 1797-1801. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002170
Citation: LI Qian, WANG Yi-fei, SHI Jian-wei, YU Wen-ya, ZHOU Liang, GAO Xiang, WANG Zhao-xin, LYU Yi-peng. The theory and practice of community health portraits from the perspective of general practitioners[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2021, 19(11): 1797-1801. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002170

The theory and practice of community health portraits from the perspective of general practitioners

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002170




  • Received Date: 2021-07-08
  • As a tool to achieve accurate personalized information service, user portrait has been widely concerned in recent years. User portrait is a "virtual representation based on the real data of users". The most important characteristics are authenticity, dynamics and uniqueness. Based on different portrait building point of view, the user portrait main methods can be divided into four kind of genre: portrait based on ontology, portrait based on user behavior painting, portrait based on themes, and portrait based on user interests. The build process is a user characteristic data acquisition, data mining and filtering, labels, extraction and the process of restructuring, rich user portrait description, because of its precision, the characteristics of personalized service, user portrait can be used for personalized recommendation, precision marketing, behavior prediction, anomaly detection and other directions. Community portrait is based on the user portrait of the specific group to carry out the front range and boundary confirmation, emphasizing the common characteristics of the given group, so there are corresponding differences in research content and methods. Community health portrait is the extension of community portrait in the field of health care, the essence is a certain area of community subject in the field of health care information collection, according to the different purposes of portrait based on user similarity portrait or based on the difference of the community portrait. In the future, it can be applied to regional medical resource allocation, precision and personalized medical service, medical and health service level evaluation, and community residents' health monitoring. However, with the continuous advancement of graded diagnosis and treatment system and the continuous updating of data support technology, the allocation of medical resources in grassroots communities will become a hot research topic in the field of public health in the future, and the application of community health portrait will also be more and more. This paper introduces the current research progress and key technologies of user portrait and community portrait, and puts forward the concept, construction process and method of community health portrait and its application prospect, which provides reference for further research on community health portrait. Keywords: Portrait; User data; Community health.


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