Volume 21 Issue 3
Mar.  2023
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YUAN Ling, SHI Jianwei, YU Wenya, CHEN Ning, CHEN Hong, GAO Ya, TAN Shuoyuan, HUANG Guangcheng, PENG Derong, WANG Zhaoxin, SUN Wanju. The status of sub-health assessment methods for young and middle-aged people from the perspective of family doctor contract promotion[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(3): 357-360. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002882
Citation: YUAN Ling, SHI Jianwei, YU Wenya, CHEN Ning, CHEN Hong, GAO Ya, TAN Shuoyuan, HUANG Guangcheng, PENG Derong, WANG Zhaoxin, SUN Wanju. The status of sub-health assessment methods for young and middle-aged people from the perspective of family doctor contract promotion[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(3): 357-360. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002882

The status of sub-health assessment methods for young and middle-aged people from the perspective of family doctor contract promotion

doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002882





  • Received Date: 2022-11-28
    Available Online: 2023-04-19
  • Family doctor contract service is an important part of whole life-cycle health management in community. Improving the contract rate of family doctors for normal groups is a major challenge at present. This paper focuses on young and middle-aged people, and sorts out the sub-health status and assessment methods respectively, and proposes that the pre-disease sub-health status assessment with fatigue as the main symptom may become a breakthrough for promoting contracts signing in the young and middle-aged population. Sub-health status is closely related to the occurrence and development of chronic diseases. It is helpful to evaluate the sub-health status of young and middle-aged people by limiting it to pre-disease sub-health states with fatigue as the main symptom. Secondly, we comparatively analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of existing sub-health assessment methods and the shortcomings of sub-health assessment for young and middle-aged people. We found that the current sub-health status assessment is mainly based on scales and questionnaires, with strong subjectivity and lack of objective evaluation indicators. In addition, compared with traditional statistical modeling methods, machine learning algorithms can process large sample sizes and multi-dimensional data, which has better evaluation efficiency. In view of the lack of objective evaluation indicators and methods in sub-health assessment in young and middle-aged people, it is recommended that multi-dimensional objective evaluation indicators should be included to integrate machine learning methods to construct a scientifically feasible assessment model of pre-disease sub-health status, as well as to set the model threshold with chronic disease critical indicators. Expecting that the scientific and effective pre-disease sub-health status assessment can improve the active health awareness of young and middle-aged people and provide personalized health management services to meet their needs for family doctor services, thereby increasing their willingness to sign family doctor contracts.


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